Strategy to Reach Your Unreachable Goals.
By Jill Konrath ~author of Selling to Big Companies.
Thursday, 24th July 2008
Sometimes it's just plain tough to get sales - There could be a hundred valid reasons why it's happening - aggressive competitors, the economy, ornery customers. Or, the problem could be of your own making.

It doesn't much matter though when your goals seem unreachable and you don't have a clue how to achieve them. Stuck is stuck. If you knew what to do, you'd have already taken action.

When you're struggling, it doesn't help to have your boss say, "You need more sales." Duh! Comments like that just add additional stress to the difficult situation.

Nor does it help to continually tell yourself, "I have to get more business" or "I must come up with a better plan." All that does is push the panic button.

Did you know these statements actually cause your brain to freeze up?

It's true. They literally immobilize your creative juices, enabling you to see fewer solutions to your dilemma. Plus, the ideas you do come up with are typically stale (e.g., make more calls) and don't give you an edge in today's competitive marketplace.

So, if you're in a rut, what can you do? Or, if you have an audacious goal, how can you get there?

The Answer: Ask, "How Can I …?"
This is the start of a simple, but powerful question that unlocks your thinking and enables you to see fresh perspectives where none existed before.

Look for different ways to finish the "How Can I" question. Play with it. Why? Because when you phrase the question in new ways, you'll come up with different answers. For example, you might ask yourself:

  • How can I increase my sales?
  • How can I get bigger contracts?
  • How can I focus on customers that are more profitable?
  • How can I free up time to pursue more business?
  • How can I leverage new offerings to get my foot in the door?
As you can see, each of these questions leads your thinking down a whole different pathway. And, instead of feeling like you're carrying an insurmountable burden, suddenly the creative YOU jumps into action, ready to help you out. Your "oomph" returns, along with a whole slew of ideas.

Let me give you a couple ways I've used this "How Can I" strategy in my sales career.

Getting Out of a Slump

Much as I hated slumps, there were times when my pipeline at Xerox was nearly empty and I had no idea how I was going to make my quota. When that happened, I'd go to breakfast alone, carrying only a notebook and pen.

Over a couple hour discussion with myself, I'd pose and answer questions such as:

  • How can I get more business from my existing customers?
  • How can I find prospects who are ready to buy now?
  • How can I leverage my relationships to find more opportunities?
At first, I'd jot down whatever thoughts came to mind. Then, I'd expand on each of the thoughts, adding more detail and flushing out the concept. Before leaving, I'd evaluate & prioritize the ideas and then create an action plan to move forward.

The best part of this process is that it was re-invigorating. Rather than feeling stumped or at the mercy of slow-moving decision makers, I felt empowered again. With a renewed sense of momentum and an action plan, I always got results. Big results.

…And speaking of "big," let me continue on that theme.

Creating an Entirely New Revenue Stream

Several years ago, I lost my two bread-and-butter clients when the investment community demanded better financial results. Both these firms immediately suspended all "extraneous" projects – which included all my work with them.

While in the process of rebuilding my business, I did some free consulting for a small magazine serving the entrepreneurial community. I became enamored with the vitality of these firms as well as their contribution to the economy.

But the failure rate was sky high. Good businesses being run by well-intentioned people were closing down because the founders didn't understand how to sell. It about drove me crazy.

For months, I kept asking myself, "How can I share my expertise with these people and make some money doing it?"

It was a real conundrum. Most entrepreneurs don't want to spend a ton of money on outside consultants. When they do hire one, they want to squeeze as much from this person as they can in the shortest possible time. With budgets a whole lot smaller than big companies, there wasn't a lot of potential for add on work either. In short, despite the apparent need, it didn't look like a good business model for me.

But I kept the question open, choosing not to say 'no' yet. Instead, I kept researching and asking the question repeatedly – in multiple variations.

One day, the answer came to me: I'd create a website called Selling to Big Companies where I could give away lots of good sales advice for free. Plus, I could offer some premium content such as ebooks, emanuals and teleseminars. While doing this, I could still serve my corporate clients.

I knew I'd finally hit on a viable business model, and, as they say, the rest is history.

Trust the Questions

Over the years, I've come to trust this "How can I" strategy implicitly. Whenever I pose these questions to myself, the answers always come.

They're better ideas than I could have ever thought of myself. That sounds strange to say, but it's true.

Right now, I trust the question again with the Sales SheBang – my online resource, conference and community for women in sales. I'm asking myself questions such as:

  • How can I attract savvy saleswomen to 2008 Sales Shebang Conference?
  • How can I fund this project so that I can make it bigger & better?
  • How can I make it an incredible value for the women who come?
The good news is that the ideas are already streaming in. The bad news is that I appear to be a bottleneck in my own system. Too much is on my plate right now, so I'm adding resources to help me out. In truth, it's really not a bad problem to have.

But it all starts with that "How Can I…?" question. Without a doubt, it's the best strategy in the whole world for reaching your unreachable goals.

Invite others to help you answer your questions. Track down a top salesperson and ask for their insights: How can I be more successful? How can I close more business?

Ask an entrepreneur: How can I create the company of my dreams? How can I get more done in the same amount of time?

The answers are already out there. You just need to ask the questions!

Jill Konrath, author of Selling to Big Companies and founder of the Sales Shebang, is a frequent speaker at annual sales meetings and industry events. For more articles like this, visit www.SellingtoBigCompanies.com. Sign up for the newsletter and get a BONUS Sales Call Planning Guide.

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