ITB 2024 Special Reporting
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Online Marketing & Brand Awareness Opportunities

What Do We Do?

  • We supply freely accessible content, information and data for everyone, at anytime and anywhere, at no cost
  • We supply a solid advertising platform, proven to be effective and our global reach brings your messages across targeted niche markets
Why 4Hoteliers.com?

Banners are visual on 90% of the 42,000++ pages of the site (Run-of-Site / ROS) giving you much more exposure & web presence
Our rates are fixed, no matter the impressions, which enables accurate budgeting

We are one of the world's leading online hotel & travel news publication, with a local focus
  • We reach every continents
  • All pages have forwarding capabilities
  • The opt-in tri-weekly enews is send globally
  • The database is constantly maintained & cleaned
  • We are represented in all of the web's major search engines
  • We are in the top 100,000 sites of an estimated 32Million active sites
  • Twitter is extending our already global reach even further
  • Hundreds of web sites and blogs use our content and quote us on a daily basis
  • Google and others spider us daily and Wikipedia & Educational Institutions quote us regularly as a source
Global Reach
  • 36% Asia & Oceania
  • 29% Americas
  • 22% Europe & Middle East
  • 9% Africa
  • 4% Others

Quick Links: (Click on the title to find out more)
  1. Content Marketing

  2. Dedicated Database eBlasts

  3. Annual ITB Berlin & Asia Marketing Campaign options: Please email us for our detailed ITB Media Kit
4Hoteliers.com's banners & advertising options are designed to maximize your ROI and reach the target.

Please email us for our detailed Media Kit or View our selected list of past and current clients

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