ITB 2024 Special Reporting
ITB World Travel Trends Report 2013/14.
Saturday, 22nd February 2014
Source : ITB Berlin
The report covers the main trends in outbound travel demand for the first eight months of 2013 together with estimates for the full year and also contains initial forecasts for 2014, as presented at the Pisa forum (as it is widely known).

4Hoteliers Image LibraryThis ITB World Travel Trends Report 2013/14 was again commissioned by ITB Berlin from IPK International, organisers of the 21st annual World Travel Monitor® Forum, held at San Giuliano Terme, near Pisa, Italy, in late October 2013. In addition, it focuses on various topics and market segments that were discussed at the forum.

These include the role of mobile technology and social media, the growing youth travel market, trends in the hospitality sector, the potential of Africa and perspectives on sustainability. As the following sections make clear, the world travel industry achieved good growth this year despite the uncertain world economy.

Outbound travel grew by 4% in terms of trips while spending grew by 6%. Emerging markets such as China and Russia were again the top success stories with high growth rates for outbound travel while Asia and Europe performed well as tourist destinations.

The outlook for 2014 is rosy with a 4-5% growth forecast by IPK's World Travel Monitor for outbound travel as the world economy gradually improves. Emerging markets will remain the main growth drivers next year but both Europe and North America are expected to show solid growth as well.

As usual, the Pisa forum was organised in co-operation with the European Travel Commission (ETC). Some 50 experts from around the world, including all regions of Europe, along with North and South America and parts of Asia-Pacific, took part. They represented international organisations, national and regional tourism organisations and associations, international research institutes and private companies from travel and tourism and related sectors.

ITB Berlin is delighted to continue its close association with IPK International and the Pisa forum for the ninth consecutive year. In March 2014 at the ITB Berlin Convention, Rolf Freitag will present updated figures for 2013 as well as current forecasts for 2014.

In the meantime, we wish you happy reading!

Dr Martin Buck, Vice President Travel & Logistics, Messe Berlin
David Ruetz, Head of ITB Berlin
Rolf Freitag, President & CEO, IPK International

Read the full report HERE

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