In March 2025, we will be covering the world’s largest travel show in Berlin daily once again with fresh and 'a la minute' generated, and mostly exclusive, content.
The dedicated ITB Berlin news site's popularity and traffic is highly expected to increase once again as it has been increasing YOY and creates a superior niche marketing and awareness vehicle.
For 2025 we are offering:
- targeted advertising packages with exclusive locations
- full exposure, no banner rotations
- Interviews with your top executives
- superb brand awareness
- niche market reach
- daily enewsletters send globally to our entire database of industry professionals
- Exclusive CEO / Key-Player interviews
- and more
Packages can include (depending of package purchased): longterm banner exposure, free press release submissions, live interviews on ITB and featured in the micro-site, dedicated daily eblasts to our entire, constantly maintained opt-in global database and extended exposures at
For ITB Berlin, there is 1 Platinum and 2 Gold package available
We also offer exclusive interview opportunities with your CEO/key Management:
- Exclusive one-on-one
- Premium exposure inside the dedicated ITB news site
- Inclusion in one daily ITB enewsletter
- Two photographs inclusion
- Interviewee and company bio
- Live link to the preferred website
Global Reach
- 36% Asia & Oceania
- 29% Americas
- 22% Europe & Middle East
- 9% Africa
- 4% Others
Contact us for more information
(Kindly use the top left corner email form)