Exclusive Feature: If 2014 will be known for something in the hospitality industry, odds are it will be the year of the healthy hotel.
We're already into the second quarter of the year and just last month, another big brand hotel announced another wellness offering: Westin Hotels & Resorts will launch Westin Well-being Movement, a $15 million brand-wide campaign "designed to enhance the well-being of guests and associates around the world."
According to a statement from the hotel, this year-long initiative will introduce guests of the Westin brand hotels to new partnerships and programs that align with Westin's six brand pillars: Feel Well, Work Well, Move Well, Eat Well, Sleep Well and Play Well.
While the entire list of partnerships haven't been announced just yet, Westin did confirm that Headspace will be the first partnership that aligns with the brand's "feel well" pillar. Headspace, a company that promotes a healthy mind through meditation and mind-body connection, will provide Westin guests with meditation and mindfulness program available through customized content on Westin.com.
This announcement by Westin Hotels is just the latest in a string of hotels that are making strides in healthy travel, which begs the question: how will hotels start to differentiate from their competitors in this realm of opportunity?
Just a few weeks ago we talked about how the traditional mini-bar is being replaced with healthier options, and now more hotels are coming forward with heart-healthy menu items, on-site juice bars and even personal training in the guest rooms. We've seen plenty of hotel brands do wellness retreats and weekend promotions that focus on exercise and meditation. So, what's next?
One thing is for certain: a healthy lifestyle is a priority for travelers.
This is strictly an exclusive feature, reprints of this article in any shape or form without prior written approval from 4Hoteliers.com is not permitted.
Melanie Nayer is a hotel reviewer and expert on luxury travel around the world. She has covered all aspects of hotels including corporate restructures, re-branding initiatives, historical aspects and the best of the best in luxury hotels around the world. Melanie writes a weekly exclusive column for 4Hoteliers.com