The Most Important Words for the Workplace or 'A short course in human relations'.
By Dr. John Hogan, CHE CHA MHS
Wednesday, 30th September 2009
A famous athlete was being inducted to his sports' hall of fame earlier this year and in his remarks, he commented on the need and value for team work. 

He quoted the often used phrase "there is no I in team" but he added there is an I in "win".

An online search for the author of the following short piece does not bring a definite answer – there are slight variations but the message is fundamentally the same:

The six most important words:
"I admit I make a mistake"

The 5 most important words:
"You did a good job"

The 4 most important words:
"What is your opinion?"

The 3 most important words:
"If you please"

The 2 most important words:
"Thank you!"

The 1 most important word:

The least most important word:

Tom Peters in many of his writings states "Leaders don't create followers, they create more leaders. "

What are you doing at your hotel today?

Feel free to share an idea for a column at johnjhogan@yahoo.com anytime or contact me regarding consulting, customized workshops, speaking engagements …………. And remember – we all need a regular dose of common sense.

Autographed copies of LESSONS FROM THE FIELD – a COMMON SENSE APPROACH TO EFFECTIVE HOTEL SALES can be obtained from THE ROOMS CHRONICLE www.roomschronicle.com www.smartbizzonline.com  and other industry sources.     

All rights reserved by John Hogan and this column may be included in an upcoming book on hotel management.   The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of this publication

|John Hogan, a career hotelier and educator, is a frequent speaker and seminar leader at many hospitality industry events.  He is a successful senior executive with a record of accomplishment leading organizations at multiple levels.  His professional experience includes over 35 years in hotel operations, food & beverage, sales & marketing, training, management development, consulting, management, including service as Senior VP of Operations.   

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