Would you pay TripAdvisor $300 a year to list your phone & website?
By Josiah Mackenzie
Wednesday, 9th September 2009
As Micheal pointed out, TripAdvisor has recently floated the idea of charging hotel owners $500 to list their website & phone number on the reviews page.

When I took this survey, the listed price had dropped to $300:

If TripAdvisor went ahead with this idea, would you pay the fee and get the listing?

I'd do it in a heartbeat.

Here's why: I know it's easy for people to find your website & phone number in a Google search, but this opportunity to capture additional traffic and direct bookings would be a bargain at that rate.

I know the volume of traffic that TripAdvisor generates. If you have any experience in hotel internet marketing, you know it is very hard to get this level of exposure for $25 a month.

Even one extra booking a month through this would pay for the fee. I'm a pragmatist, and when I look at the potential return on investment here, it looks attractive.

What do you think?

Original article: www.hotelmarketingstrategies.com/would-you-pay-tripadvisor-300

About the author
This blog is written by Josiah Mackenzie, who enjoys exploring the relationship between emerging technology and the hospitality industry. 

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