So, Now What? - Hotels Must Choose.
By Barry Napier
Monday, 17th December 2007
I have a very important piece of news for those who still think Gore's Peace prize was well-deserved. You must now choose – truth and a genuine deal for customers, or lies, and a downward-slide to professional oblivion. It really is as stark a choice as that, and an urgent one.

The world believed the IPCC (the UN group: Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) and its figures on global warming and climate change. After all, they are scientists, and scientists don't lie (A cute belief not shared in academic circles, by the way).

The latest news is that those figures are lies, designed to create worldwide panic.  We learn that the scientists who finalised their report, had their figures changed by the IPCC, who infamously listed reasons why the sea would rise dramatically and fatally. They were referring to supposed melting ice in Greenland and West Antarctica. It has now been admitted that the IPCC multiplied the effects given by scientists, by many times!

Therefore, the finding by the UK court – that the sea will only rise by centimetres over 100 years and not by a staggering 21 feet – was correct. The upshot is this: the IPCC lied about a sea-level change that was quite normal, and projected from that false figure a whole range of ensuing catastrophic global effects, such as mass-migration, wars, etc.

This was pointed out by Christopher Monckton, and the IPCC secretly altered the tables used by Al Gore to convince governments to change their whole approach to climate. This means that the world is working on deception, not on scientific facts. And so have hotels and resorts. The question must be asked: How can any business or government justify making huge changes to policies, pricing strategies and taxes, on the basis of lies and deception? And do not think it is innocent mistakes. Not when the UN and a thousand peer reviewers all accept manipulated figures.

The obvious course businesses/hotels should now take is to remove increased pricing and back-pedal on policies, removing anything founded on Gore-greenery. Hotels can't say "What has all this to do with hotels?" when the very same hotels used the very same false figures, courtesy of Gore in the first place, to bring in specious and drastic changes to hotels! Not that most hotels are able to see through the lies, because, after all, they are in the hospitality industry, not science departments. They rely on the honesty of scientists. They failed to see Al Gore in the background, and did not query the obvious statements made by him. Now, the game is up.

I applaud hotels and resorts that are genuinely green. That is, they use sound management decisions to eliminate waste, chemicals and false economy, and take account of real environmental concerns. But, Gore-style, panic-driven dictatorship and nasty enforcement, is off the scale and need not be on any hotel's agenda. Increased returns is not an excuse to perpetuate Gore's lunacy.

Further, the IPCC says that the "Greenland ice sheet (which did not melt but increased in thickness by 50 cms between 1995 and 2005) might only melt after several millennia, probably by natural causes…" This, of course, is the exact opposite of what Gore claims. (I keep mentioning Gore because he started the whole mess).

Monckton says, "Al Gore, mendaciously assisted by the IPCC bureaucracy, had exaggerated a hundredfold." That is, they increased figures by 100 times! Yes, this is technical stuff, but it directly affects every business on the planet. The very reason they are changing every policy and becoming ‘green' is because they relied on the figures (albeit revamped for businesses to understand) as genuine. Well, they are not. See Monckton's calculations and genuine figures.

So, Monckton discovered the IPCC lied about rising water levels, but he pushes harder and deeper to reveal an even worse lie. He says "At the very heart of the IPCC's calculations lurks an error more serious than any of these." As you know that the entire gore scam depends on an increase in CO2. Well, Monckton shows us what this greater error is – that the IPCC says "The CO2 radiative forcing increased by 20% during the last ten years (1995-2005)." Sounds bad – but is it? Bear in mind that CO2 is vital for life on earth – it isn't a pollutant!

What, then, does that mean, you ask?  Well, when radiative forcing increases in radiant energy in the atmosphere, it raises temperature. And it is this figure of 20% that led to a worldwide panic about ‘global warming', courtesy of Gore. But here is the deception… in 1995, concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere was 360 parts per million. By 2005 it was only 5% higher (378 parts per million).

Following so far? Superficially, then, carbon is increasing. But, what the IPCC did not tell us, making what they did say a fraud, was that each extra molecule of carbon reduces in radiant-energy production, relative to the one before it. In other words, the effect of more CO2 is not an exponential increase, but an actual decrease with every extra molecule! The more carbon there is, the less effect it has. The true increase in radiative forcing, then, is not the 20% predicted by the IPCC, but a puny 1%!! And, as life on earth cannot be sustained without CO2, this figure is encouraging – not a signal to jump in the mythically-rising sea!

Not only did the IPCC dramatically unethically multiply sea-level rise by 100 times, but it also abused the CO2 figures, increasing them by 20 times! This is what happens when scientists have leaders like Gore, whose only aim is to be the richest man in the world.

The IPCC report that created mass-panic amongst the naïve was peer-reviewed and approved. Not one of those peers pointed out the ‘error'. This strongly implies collusion, because anyone with research experience would have picked up the ‘error'.

Well, there you have it. The IPCC lied and actually created a panic worldwide, through Al Gore's famous charts showing destructive sea rises and insurmountable CO2 pollution. Both these claims led to a global response, including higher taxation in many fields, government-led energy policies, and higher costs. The green-machine strategy was to name and shame those who refused to be sucked-in by the lies, and to impose draconian laws on business and individual alike. And political parties are all following like sheep. These moves rely totally on the authenticity of the figures issued by IPCC. Now, we learn those figures are lies. There is no problem, so the remedies are futile.

The question is, now you know the whole basis for your green policies is debunked, will you reverse your Gore-greenery and headlong desire to comply? If not, why not? By all means be genuinely ‘green', but don't be allied to Goresque deception. My ‘rant', is not, then, a rant at all. As I have said all along, anyone who has a smattering of knowledge about the research process can spot research lies a mile off. Now let's ignore Gore and get on with real life on a real planet. Leave Gore enjoy his chats with Mother Earth, Gaia, and let the hospitality industry get back to what it does best – offer genuine service. Follow the climate change model and you will be in a for bad shock when the truth is finally realised!

‘IPCC Claims Drown in the Seas', Andrew Bolt, blog, 9th December, 2007, Herald Sun, Australia).
Christopher Monckton (who says of the green panic: "Wrong problem; wrong solution"). See 5th November, telegraph.co.uk and other articles. His references and calculations (available separately) are impeccable.
I have a number of detailed articles showing Gore's actual aims. Available on request.

December 2007. Barry Napier
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