Flight plan preferredSM is in-synch with needs of general aviation aircraft operators.
Travelers Aviation unit has announced the launch of Flight Plan PreferredSM, a flexible policy form providing aircraft hull and liability coverages designed for today's diverse general aviation fleet, including pleasure and business transportation, municipal aircraft accounts, commercial/charter operators and select aerial work. The policy offers customers combined coverages to match each insured's unique aviation risks.
"Aviation is a very dynamic industry incorporating an array of aircraft, including piston airplanes, turbo-props, helicopters and large jets," said Gordon Murray, president of Travelers Aviation. "It is essential for service providers to have versatile aircraft insurance that can be tailored to their specific requirements."
Flight Plan PreferredSM policy limits of up to $300 million are available to qualified accounts. Flight Plan PreferredSM is the second product added to this business unit since its launch in May 2007.
The Travelers Atlanta-based Aviation unit's first product, Flight Plan PremierSM, introduced earlier this year, is an integrated aircraft coverage form that provides an extensive set of liability and hull physical damage coverages designed to meet the needs of corporate flight departments operating jet aircraft on a worldwide basis.
These two products, Flight Plan PremierSM and Flight Plan PreferredSM, can cover a wide range of aircraft risks associated with general aviation -- from a single aircraft operation to a large corporate fleet. The protection provided by these policies further enables aircraft owners/operators to travel to general aviation airports nationwide without the inefficiencies of flying commercial airlines.
Travelers Aviation unit was introduced to provide coverage for U.S.-based aviation exposures through a licensed U.S. company. The aviation unit will target corporate and business aircraft, small to mid-size airports, aviation ground services and manufactured non-critical products used as aircraft components. In addition, the business unit will provide workers' compensation coverage for corporate pilots and ground crew.
Travelers Flight Plan PreferredSM is anticipated to be available throughout the United States.