ITB 2024 Special Reporting
New spa research for Malaysia.
Thursday, 14th December 2006
Source : Intelligent Spas
Spa numbers in Malaysia have grown over 200% since 2002 - identifying 151 spas currently operating, and another 25 spas under development.

The report, entitled Spa Industry Profile Malaysia 2002-2007, features over 850 quantitative statistics on the Malaysian spa market as well as supporting qualitative trends and observations from spa owners and managers. The survey of spa facilities conducted by Intelligent Spas provides a valuable tool for businesses competing in, or supporting the spa industry, to more accurately develop and plan spa-related products, services, campaigns and initiatives.

Some key industry totals and averages extracted from the report include:

  • Intelligent Spas identified 151 spa facilities currently operating in Malaysia.
  • 54% were day spas and 40% were spas located in hotels, resorts or retreats (destination spas).The average indoor area of spa facilities in Malaysia was 393 square metres.
  • 51% of the total spa space was allocated to treatment rooms.
  • Spas contained 7.7 treatment rooms on average.
  • 50% of spas owned a relaxation room compared to 16% that arranged access for their visitors to use a nearby relaxation room.
  • Baths with water and/or air jets were provided by 49% of respondents.
  • One hour body wraps were priced from MYR164 on average.
  • Herbal tea was the most common complimentary food or beverage item provided by spas, with 87% offering it to visitors.
  • Increased interest in traditional massage treatment was the most common current industry trend observed by spa owners and managers.
  • 26% of spas surveyed stated there was increased customer awareness about spas.
"The excellent response rate enabled the survey results to be broken down further for more accurate benchmarking and analysis" explained Julie Garrow, Managing Director of Intelligent Spas, "and it was very interesting to examine the key differences between day spas and destination spas, as well as spas located within the different states of Malaysia":

  • Day spas were larger in terms of indoor space when compared to destination spas.
  • Destination spas contained more treatment rooms than day spas.
  • Relaxation rooms were more commonly found in day spas.
  • Destination spas were more likely to provide tub soaks.
  • Spa facilities located in Kuala Lumpur were over twice the size in terms of indoor area compared to spas in other States.
  • Selangor spas contained more treatment rooms compared to spas in the other states.
  • Reflexology was more commonly offered at spas in Johor.
  • A higher proportion of respondents in Kedah stated they offered complimentary authentic spa cuisine to visitors.
Source: Intelligent Spas, Spa Industry Profile Malaysia 2002-2007

About the Research

The research primarily aimed to establish updated and reliable spa industry benchmarks for key infrastructure and operations indicators, encourage businesses to better understand, service and support the spa industry, provide accurate data for the media to reference and generate greater awareness of the spa industry to promote growth in visitation numbers.

The comprehensive profile of the Malaysia spa industry includes over 850 quantitative survey results relating to spa types, locations, business models, capture rates from primary facilities such as hotels and resorts, infrastructure, supporting facilities, plus therapies, treatments and programs offered. A selection of key survey findings are also broken down to identify benchmarks for day spas versus destination spas, as well as analysis by state location, where possible. Qualitative observations from spa owners and managers are also summarised. Supporting sections provide a detailed description of the research methodology, an overview of the value of industry statistics and useful facts and information about Malaysia, including an overview of the key international visitor arrival markets.

How to Use Spa Industry Statistics as a Business Tool

Like any other small, medium or large business, it is imperative that analysis and planning activities be conducted to minimise the risk of failure. One of the first questions to ask yourself is "how is my business doing?" and this can easily be answered by comparing your spa?s performance against industry averages. The overall industry average for your country is a useful guideline, however where the survey response rates are high enough, industry averages may be broken down further to enable more accurate analysis by calculating, for example, industry averages for your particular type of spa and industry averages for your spa?s specific location.

Unique and common facilities and service offerings may also be measured and analysed to assist the planning for the business? future. Consider: At what point does a facility or service offering change from a consumer novelty to a consumer expectation?

If for example, a high proportion of spas offer a relaxation room, one may assume as spa consumers become more experienced, they may come to expect a relaxing area within a spa and be disappointed if they do not have the opportunity to enjoy that type of facility before and/or after their spa treatment.

Intelligent Spas is a 100% independent research company specialising in the spa industry. www.IntelligentSpas.com

The new Spa Industry Profile Malaysia 2002-2007 report is available for purchase and immediate download.
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