GBTA: Learning and achieving progress for our members, people and planet
Friday, 1st December 2023
Source : Global Business Travel Association (GBTA)

As we head into December when work and business travel typically dial back a bit, it’s a good time to reassess annual learning and professional development goals.

As a member, industry professional and person, GBTA is here to help you make the most out of unique and relevant learning experiences beyond what you gain at our in-person conferences.

Take advantage of the GBTA Academy's in-real-time opportunities – such as our “Fundamentals” and “Advanced Principles” courses or Certificate in Corporate Travel Execution (CCTE) program – where you can engage with instructors, peers and new ideas to make you a more prepared and strategic travel management professional.

Or lean in to our on-demand offerings, including GBTA’s extensive library of new and past webinars, podcasts, research reports, and conference presentations, all available online to our members on The Hub. (It’s a great member benefit, by the way!)

Education AND connection were at the forefront earlier this month at the GBTA + VDR Europe Conference 2023 in Hamburg, Germany. Our grand tally: we welcomed almost 1,100 registered attendees from 29 countries including 275 travel buyers, plus 60+ exhibiting companies, 90 speakers and 26 sessions for an incredibly jam-packed few days.

You can see it all in action in the event photo gallery. (Already thinking about the 2024 event in Copenhagen, November 4-6? Call for proposals will open in January.)

The next two weeks are important ones for our planet. The United Nations Climate Change Conference, COP28, takes place in Dubai – and GBTA will be there. Under our Foundation, GBTA has been granted Blue Zone access and Observer NGO status by the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Delphine Millot, GBTA’s head of Sustainability & Advocacy and Managing Director of the GBTA Foundation, will be on the ground in Dubai next week gathering insights and sharing the views and “voices” of global business travel. She will be making the most of GBTA’s presence at COP28 which includes the World Climate Action Summit, December 1-2, and the Global Sustainable Aviation Forum, December 6. Look for GBTA to share relevant takeaways for global business travel from COP28 as we continue our journey together toward a more sustainable future.

And with 2024 around the corner, GBTA already has a great line-up in place of virtual and in-person events where you can connect and learn over the coming year. We are regularly updating the calendar with new and confirmed events so bookmark this page for easy planning and ongoing inspiration for the new year.

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