The success of your business online is dependent on how robust your marketing is, your website or online shop will only address your targeted market if you have the best marketing tools and strategies, this has to start from having a web host offering tiered packages inclusive of marketing tools.
The thrilling part is that you do not have to pay a premium sum for some of these products. There are many affordable hosting service providers that offer the best hosting inclusive of marketing tools. You should, therefore, be keen when looking for a web host so as to find the best tools at a low price.
The main marketing tools to look for from web hosts include:
1. Site maps
Your location matters in search engine result pages. A well-optimized sitemap generated by your web host will increase the chances of customers landing on your pages in their online search for particular or related products.
Ensure that the location details and directions are very accurate and trustworthy by search engines. Your online presence will increase with this feature offered by your web host.
2. Google Adwords
The best web hosts are preferred by many and ranked higher because they offer differentiated products that will boost your business’s online success. Google Adwords is an important marketing tool that increases your position in online searches by picking keywords in your search campaigns then using the search results to give you insights into your performance online. You can also use it to get ideas on the best keywords for your site and/or business.
3. Customer support
Customer satisfaction is enhanced by having a dedicated customer support system. Being able to respond and resolve customer issues or complaints well and in a timely manner makes it possible for your business to grow. A cheap hosting provider will incorporate this in his marketing plan as it attracts more customers and will build business for him too.
4. Uptime
Fast and steady access to information on your site will bring more customers. The chances of revisits and referrals to your website or online store increase when your hosting provides uninterrupted website access 24 hours a day. This is a design feature and also a great marketing strategy.
You should therefore invest in the most suitable hosting service to keep your visitors coming to your site and also to attract more. Ensure that your hosting is done directly under your domain rather than through masked forwarding or redirects. The latter will give you low ratings because they are disliked by search engines.
5. Search analysis suites
These are offered even by cheap web hosts. They value the good business that your experience will bring and therefore include tools and metrics for search analysis. This is a great way for gauging the performance of your online campaigns.
In conclusion, the type of webhosting you choose for your business will determine if you make profits or not. Generate traffic to your site by utilizing these marketing tools offered by the best web hosts at very low monthly costs.
Author Bio: Jenne Vega is a web developer and an SEO analyst experienced in the field. From her experiences, she recommends using web hosting services from with advanced marketing tools, guaranteed efficient uptime and scalable storage and bandwidths.