Many people in sales don't take care of the "gatekeeper.
If the administrative person answers the phone, ask for his or her name. Be courteous, and ask for their help. Try to make personal connections with them.
When you call back, chat with him or her before asking for the boss. When making the call in person, be sure to be pleasant – smile, make chit-chat, and give the administrative person your card. She or he receives very few, compared to others in the office.
I have often found the best way into the decision maker's door is by unlocking the "gate" first.
Article copyright 2003 Marjorie Brody and Brody Communications Ltd. Marjorie Brody, MA, CSP, CMC, is founder and fearless leader of Brody Communications Ltd. in Jenkintown, PA, and an executive coach. She helps individuals and corporations achieve their potential by strengthening their professionalism, persuasiveness and presence. Marjorie has presented to more than 1,000 audiences, and is the author of 15 books, including Help! Was That a Career Limiting Move?, Speaking is an Audience-Centered Sport, and Professional Impressions … Etiquette for Everyone, Every Day. She has appeared on CNBC several times, Fox-TV, Oxygen Network, and been quoted in The Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, People, BusinessWeek, Fortune and many other national publications. Marjorie can be reached at 800-726-7936, or by visiting To sign up for her free quarterly newsletter, go to