What if your Boss is a Jerk?
By Rick Johnson
Saturday, 16th June 2012
The most memorable comment a prospective employee ever said to me during an interview - 'I accomplished these things (referring to their resume) and I worked for a boss that I couldn't stand. Think what I could do for you if I liked you just a little!'

4Hoteliers Image LibrarySo, if your boss is a jerk, so what?  He cannot control your attitude. Keep things in perspective. Life is too short to let someone else determine your level of happiness. When you get up in the morning, look in the mirror.

Don't scream, put some clothes on first and then tell yourself that you are the best at what you do. Tell yourself you are a success and you will help someone else become a success.

Now, go to work and no matter what happens during the day keep that upbeat attitude and search for opportunities to make a difference.

Remember what Zig Zigler said, "You can get everything you want in life by helping someone else get what they want."

That includes your boss. Focus on positive thoughts, success thoughts. You are what you think and if you think the day will be a great day, chances are in your favor that it will be.

Let tomorrow be the last day that you say "Good Morning" as just a passing comment. Really mean it. You are alive, you can breathe, you are the best and you will succeed. People will notice. Your boss will notice even if he is a curmudgeon.

Rick Johnson, expert speaker, wholesale distribution's "Leadership Strategist", founder of CEO Strategist, LLC a firm that helps clients create and maintain competitive advantage. Need a speaker for your next event, E-mail rick@ceostrategist.com.

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