ITB 2025 Special Reporting
Hanging onto Talent ~ Part 1.
By Caroline Cooper
Thursday, 7th July 2011
We already know that there is a lack of new talent entering the industry so it's important that we hang on to our best people.

The hospitality industry has always had one of the highest labour turnover rates in all sectors of the economy, so are we just deluding ourselves if we think we can beat that trend?

Well maybe there are a few things we can all be doing to tip the balance in our favour.

Each day this week I'll be posting steps you can take to hang on to your hotel's talent.

Why do they quit?
  • Staff turnover can be infectious, the more people come and go, the easier it is for others to make the decision to leave. Unless we understand why staff leave it's unlikely we'll reverse the trend.
  • In an ideal world some kind of confidential exit interview should be conducted and wherever possible this is best done by someone other than a line manager. Let's face it, if the reason is it's poor management or leadership that has prompted the move, it's unlikely that you're going to learn the whole truth if the line manager is asking the question! The saying goes people don't quit jobs they quit bosses. But even if your staff structure doesn't allow for this it is important to find out as much as possible about people's motives for leaving.
  • Tomorrow we look at how we can use recognition and reward, and career prospects to help retain our best people.
Caroline Cooper is a business coach with over 25 years experience in business and management development, and founder of Zeal Coaching, specializing in working with hospitality businesses, and is author of the 'Hotel Success Handbook'

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