When a guest arrives at a Hotel, he is facing a new environment where he will share most of his leisure time.
This environment starts to transmit him communications or signals, which are carried to his brain through electromagnetic impulses or vibrations captured by the senses organs.
The Hotel thus becomes a big engine generating olfactory, auditive, visual, gustatory and tactile stimuli. Precisely on the use of this multisensorial space is the Hotel Business of Experience based to generate positive emotions and feelings in the guest, opening a path to unique, memorable and differentiated experiences.
In the Hotel Business of Experience, the sensorial is focused on two main aspects:
1. The sensorial characterization of the guest.
2. The sensorial characterization of the services.
The sensorial characterization of the guest is nothing more than to decipher to which stimuli the guest would be more sensitive. This information will depend on the emotional and behavioral patterns of his own lifestyle, so that finding out the particulars of the guest lifestyle will help us to achieve a sensorial characterization for each guest.
The sensorial characterization of the services the Hotel offers means only to be aware of what would be the sensorial stimulis that each service could generate per se or which could be added.
Once these two characterizations are established, the next step would be to find coincidental points between both for every guest in particular, so that the services requested are engines generator of sensorial stimuli more appealing to his sensitivity, thus the interpretation of same, i.e. the perceptive process, will have features of his own identity.
Sensorial prevails then as a very powerful differentiating element to ensure that the services requested are generating the guest sensorial stimuli matching the patterns of his sensorial characterization, which will make that the perceptive process acquires a differential quality regarding prior perceptions of the same service in other Hotels.
An example: Our female guest arrives and we get the input that she very much enjoys classical music, and also prefers small floral aromas with woody touches. Upon requesting an immersion bath to her personal butler, he prepares a bath with oils of roses and mahogany, and creates a special ambient sound in the room with a selection of Bach, Mozart and Puccini. What happens if our guest have to stay in another Hotel and requesting the same service it is prepared with oils of lavender and new age relaxing music? I leave you to guess the answer ...
The sensorial stimuli that accompany an experience should sustain and intensify its topic. An experience is more memorable the more committed are the senses. The services become captivating experiences when they are ¨coated¨ by sensorial phenomena.
Therefore, there is no doubt that sensorial experience will make the Hotel to be set apart by the guests according to a new parameter: the new differential perceptions it arises, thus creating the foundation for a higher achievement: the guest's sensorial fidelity.
Osvaldo Torres Cruz
Hotel ButlerGuest
Experience Advisor
http://hotelguestexperience.blogspot.com/ hotelps@gmail.com