A new year simply wouldn't be complete without top ten lists, countdowns and predictions for the year to come, so in that spirit, I've put together five predictions for mobile in 2011, and offered some pointers and potential next steps.
By Gerry Samuels, Founder and Executive Director, Mobile Travel Technologies Ltd, UK1. Tablets – The hits will just keep on comingThe Apple iPad and Samsung GALAXY Tab are just the start. Expect to see more and more tablet computers in 2011, and expect to see them become must have, rather than a luxury device.
The Dell Streak mini tablet is already selling in the United States for $99 USD..
Rumour has it that Microsoft's chief executive Steve Ballmer will unveil a number of tablets at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas in January.
RIM's BlackBerry PlayBook is due to hit stores in March of 2011. And a plethora of Android based tablet devices will hit the market this year.
Action Required:
Tablets are largely used for digital consumption – so think about when and where in the travel purchase cycle your audience consumes information, and when do they produce content, or conduct transactions. The tablet is better suited for some stages than others. Mobile services for the inspiration, researching, and in destination stages can take great advantage of the tablet format.
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