The most memorable comment a prospective employee ever said to me during an interview - 'I accomplished these things (referring to their resume) and I worked for a boss that I couldn't stand. Think what I could do for you if I liked you just a little!'
So, if your boss is a jerk, so what. He can not control your attitude. Keep things in perspective. Life is too short to let someone else determine your level of happiness. When you get up in the morning, look in the mirror. Don't scream, put some clothes on first and then tell yourself that you are the best at what you do. Tell yourself you are a success and you will help someone else become a success.
Now, Go to work and no matter what happens during the day keep that upbeat attitude and search for opportunities to make a difference. Remember what Zig Zigler said. "You can get everything you want in life by helping someone else get what they want." That includes your boss. Focus on positive thoughts, success thoughts. You are what you think and if you think the day will be a great day, chances are in your favor that it will be.
Let tomorrow be the last day that you say "Good Morning" as just a passing comment. Really mean it. You are alive, you can breathe, you are the best and you will succeed. People will notice. Your boss will notice even if he is a curmudgeon.
Every Day is SpecialEvery day is a new day and how you act and think during that day is determined by your attitude. No one, not the boss, the crazy driver that cut you off on the way to work, that aggravating neighbor or the traffic cop that gave you a speeding ticket is in control of your attitude. You are the only person that can affect a change in your thinking or your attitude. That is why it is extremely important to take control the minute you step out of bed. It may sound conceited but there is nothing wrong with looking at yourself in the mirror the very first thing and saying, "You are the Greatest, You will Succeed, You are the Best!"
Your thoughts are powerful. They create your attitude and your attitude is what causes you to act. In other words, our attitude controls our actions. You see, change can only be realized by our actions and our actions are controlled by how we think and feel. This composes our attitude. Consequently we must focus our efforts toward success with the right kind of attitude, an attitude of confidence and conviction. To change your circumstance, to change your life you must look inwardly first, that is where our power lies. We can not depend on other people to make us happy, to make us successful.
That, I'm afraid, is up to us. Success and happiness is not contingent upon anything but our personal control over our attitude.
Let us not forget that our attitude can affect the attitude of others and how others react to us can affect our attitude. This explains that old saying; "You attract more Bees with Honey". This reason and this reason alone should motivate us to work on our people skills. Take one simple step tomorrow. Tell yourself you are going to do one thing at work to consciously make a difference. You are going to do one thing that will improve someone else's attitude.
But remember, it starts with you. You need to control your thinking. Your thoughts are powerful. They are energy. How you feel and how you act depends on your thoughts. Master your thoughts and you control your attitude.
Try changing your perspective. If you keep telling yourself that your boss is a jerk, he will always be a jerk. Try to look for the positive things in your relationship with your boss. Build on those things and don't make judgements. Remember, your boss may be experiencing challenges you know nothing about. Controlling your thoughts may change your perspective and allow you to consider a bigger picture. You do not have to be best friends with the boss. You do, however, have to have a professional relationship.
You have the power of focus. Focus your thoughts on positive things. Refuse to even associate with negative people. If you think your boss is a Jerk, it's really not his problem. It's your problem. What can you do about it? How should you
react to it? How should you let it affect your performance? How can you not let it affect your attitude? The answers to those questions my friend will define your success in whatever you try to accomplish.
Rick Johnson, expert speaker, wholesale distribution's "Leadership Strategist", founder of CEO Strategist, LLC a firm that helps clients create and maintain competitive advantage. Need a speaker for your next event, E-mail Don't forget to check out the Lead Wolf Series that can help you put more profit into your business.