ITB 2024 Special Reporting
Hyatt Concierge - The future of Twitter?
By Josiah Mackenzie
Wednesday, 22nd July 2009
Recently Hyatt Hotels CEO Mark Hoplamazian announced the launch of @HyattConcierge – a new 24/7 global concierge service on Twitter.

Barbara from USA Today's Hotel Check-in blog followed up with her thoughts.

Hyatt Concierge on Twitter

Apparently, the account will be staffed 24/7 by customer service agents around the world.

Hyatt already provides round-the-clock service by phone and email, so it was just a matter of training the agents to type responses in 140 characters or less.

As Adam said, it's amazing no other major hotel brand tried it earlier.

John Wallis, global head of marketing for Hyatt, explains the company's thoughts on Twitter:

"Whatever we did, it had to be with the theme of going the extra mile, providing additional service. We really believe that it is a concierge service rather than a promotional tool."

I like that mentality. It will be interesting to see how this works for Hyatt…and how many other chains try it themselves.

Original article: www.hotelmarketingstrategies.com/hyatt-concierge

About the author
This blog is written by Josiah Mackenzie, who enjoys exploring the relationship between emerging technology and the hospitality industry.

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