You're working for a great supervisor, you love your job and presumably the company, and then suddenly your boss jumps ship and asks you to join him at the new company.
What do you do? Well, experts agree that before throwing caution to the wind and turning in your resignation, be sure you know what you are getting in to.
Deciding to stay or leave an organization is a very personal matter and should not be predicated only on whether someone else stays or leaves. There are a variety of others things to think about. Here is what you should consider:
Impact of new boss. Since you may not have met the person who is to be your new boss, it may be difficult to decide whether to go or stay. Sure you think your current supervisor is great, but the new guy may be equal to the task. The change in regime may also open up other unexpected career opportunities for you. A knee-jerk reaction may not be in your best interest. Take the time to get to know the new boss and see what he has to offer. If you ultimately decide you want to stay, be sure to communicate this to him so he'll know where your loyalty lies. If you choose to go, you'll have at least given it a shot.
Personal career goals. One of the first things that anyone considering a new opportunity has to think about is whether or not the move is a good one for their career. Sure, it would be nice to get a 20 percent bump in salary, but money may only buy short-term happiness. If the new position doesn't fit with what you are looking for in the long run, you may not last there very long. Staying behind might be a better idea. One thing you should be sure to do is to keep in contact with your departing boss. Obviously he thought highly enough of your skills and abilities to ask you to join him, so there may be an opportunity to work together again in the future. If nothing else, he is your work reference.
Why the boss left. It's important for you to understand why your boss left his old job and what he's getting by moving to the new one. What he doesn't like about the old organization might be something that doesn't bother you. And just because he is taking an opportunity where he has lots of future opportunity, doesn't mean the same is true for you. Also consider that if something should change or go wrong in the new organization so that your boss is once again on the move, how will that impact your job? Accepting a new position based solely on this single relationship is risky. Be sure to investigate thoroughly – the company, the position, future opportunity -- before you say 'yes.'
Having a great boss who you enjoy working with and who values your skills and abilities makes work a pleasure. However, following the leader to a new opportunity needs to be thought out thoroughly just like any other career decision.
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