Transforming a boring journey in to a luxurious holiday -
What's a cruise? Is any boat trip from A to B a cruise? Or does it require a luxurious powerful cruise liner to qualify? It does nowadays, that's for sure.
But in earlier days ships far less intimidating then for example the QMII where sailing the oceans, getting passengers from coast to coast. Not just for fun but for a very basic reason; they had to be there. It is not all that clear when the first passengers went onboard to relax and have a vacation. But it's definitely a long time ago.
When it comes to cruises the story spans back to hundreds of years. Any one that wanted to see more of the world (witch wasn't very common back then but that's a different story) had just one option: a ship. A ship could take you anywhere. From Europe to America, From Africa tot Australia. All you needed was money and time. Lots of time. Weeks!
I do not know the name of the clever captain who realized that his passengers were almost board to death when they finally arrived at their destination. He sort of ‘invented' the cruise by making entertainment available during the long trip. That way he transformed a boring journey in to a holiday. It's my guess he probably didn't know that his moment of clarity turns out to be the foundation of a zillion dollar industry.
Great Food and Luxurious Cabins
These days all cruise liners are large and beautiful vessels. They take passengers from one exotic port to another, making the actual transportation fun by providing entertainment, great food and luxurious cabins.
Each year thousands of people tend to take cruises to travel to various destinations of their dream in order to spend leisure, where all the pains get fade off. During the fag end of the 19th century, the Hamburg-America Company started their regular trip across the mystic Atlantic every winter. The concept was soon followed by other concerns, and all were doing good businesses.
Like I said before; the modern day's concept has changed a little bit. The modern cruise liners are sailing hotels. Some of which have the capacity to accommodate as many as 3000 passengers. And even then, most cruises are fully booked months in advance.
Looking for an exclusive cruise?
Most people think of the Virgin Islands, the Bahamas or other exotic places when a cruise comes to mind. And they are right. But there is so much more to explore.
Alaska for example. The lush temperate rain forest of Alaska is really a memory worth treasuring. And what about the Greek and Turkish Islands in the Mediterranean! Whenever you can, go there! And these days, even the last frontier of the planet, the Antarctica has started to attract cruises. You want an exclusive cruise? That's your destination!
Being Bored is a Felony
It's funny, but sometimes it still takes time to explain to people that being bored on a cruise is almost impossible. It's a huge misconception! In fact the story is just the reverse.
A true type modern cruise ship is more than a royal hotel. The modern cruises not only offer the restaurants and bars but also the shopping centers, football ground, basketball courts theatre halls and what not? They offer wide range of on-board and shore-side activities to perform for both adults and kids.
And by the way: on the vessels that were under my command, being bored was a felony :)
The Food is Paid for and the Air is Clear!
Let's be clear about one thing; a cruise is not cheap. Actually, it can cost you big. But that's a choice you make.
There are companies that offers options that proves to be inexpensive as compared to most of the resorts vacations. Just don't jump on the first offer. Do some homework and compare prices. Compare a cruise to a resorts vacation, and you will probably find that there is not much of a difference.
It all depends of course, on your own choices. A Royal Suite is expensive. A regular cabin is not. You make the call. And remember this. Whatever your budget: the fun is free, the food is paid for and the air is clear!
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Cruise and have Fun! Captain Jack |