Green Consumers Safe from Green Fatigue.
By Colette Chandler
Sunday, 11th May 2008
I question whether green fatigue actually exists - One thing to take note of is that the media isn't consistent with its definition -

Some reports suggest that consumers are tired of the green message and that intense media coverage further weakens the impact of that message.

Other reports claim that individuals don't think their actions make a difference when compared to the enormity of global climate change.

Consumers don't have green fatigue. According to my Ohio Health and Wellness Research Report & national research and data, they are more motivated than ever to commit to a green and healthy lifestyle.

This report, which looks at consumer attitudes and behaviors as they relate to health, wellness, the environment (green) shopping and investing, details who this LOHAS (Lifestyles of Health and Sustainability) consumer is.

The LOHAS consumer group is on the rise and makes a powerful statement with its purchasing habits. They are loyal to businesses like yours who are honest and strive at being environmentally friendly. In fact, consumers are not bored with the green message, but they are tired of greenwashing.

LOHAS consumers are smart enough to spot greenwashing from companies who only want to jump on the green-friendly bandwagon. "Marketers should take notice with respect to the content and credibility of their messages. Prices matter, and consumers may be growing weary of companies that appear to tout 'green' merely as a marketing ploy," says Shelton Group CEO Suzanne Shelton.

Green is not a marketing tactic nor should it be used as an advertising ploy, although some companies use it as such. So be careful to accurately define your products and services so as not to create confusion or inadvertently greenwash your audience.

It's no secret that green is an ever-changing platform of issues. We continue to learn more and more about the industry.

For example, some experts claim that bamboo is now considered a better source for linens and clothes than flooring. There's a difference between false claims vs. product testing, and it's OK to grow your business as the industry defines itself.

It's better to leave the testing--global warming and product testing-- to the scientists and just follow your own eco-course of action.

Your customers are not tired of green, and trust that everything that you and your business do makes a difference.

Colette Chandler is an expert in consumer health and environmental trends and the president of The Marketing Insider, a marketing and communications consulting firm that teaches companies how to profit from consumer trends and understand the consumers who influence them.

Learn about the media training services she offers, including her Walk the Media Tightrope audio program, or the study her firm conducted on attitudes of green and health-conscious consumers at www.marketing-insider.com . She can be reached at (614) 776-1416 or at cchandler@marketing-insider.com.
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