Social Network Site Benefits.
By Ron McNeil
Wednesday, 9th January 2008
Make your social network earn money for you - Choose the right social network software to design your website and provide the right kind of services to retain the users- helping them to invite their friends- in an attempt to build up large communities and groups. Provide them with enough opportunity to spend more and more time on your website, and slowly create that customer loyalty which is so very important in running a social networking website.

The longer that the user remains on your website, they get more and more familiar with the name, and also get to know the products and the premium services that you offer. Your website starts to generate business as customer confidence builds up.

You would need to create a brand for big business coming your way. You would just need to see the kind of worldwide traffic visiting MySpace and Facebook, and spending considerable time in there. It is simply because the websites have been successful in creating a brand name for themselves, offering services that retain customers.

The longer time that users hang around on your website, the more business opportunities are created for you. Your social networking software must be able to provide such facilities to the users, where the tools that you provide, help them to build their own identity amongst the groups and community that they join. Your website must be able to generate that interest in the users, making them spend more and more time in networking.

When you look at creating big business, your social network software must be able to generate interest in attracting advertisements from other well known websites. Last year, Google has paid nearly a billion US dollars to MySpace to put its advertisement on their site. Myspace also shared the revenue that was generated from the Google advertisements. That is big business.

Your social networking website can earn money for you, when other business advertises on your site. But why should a running web business advertise on your website? Simple, since you have been able to create a huge database of the users. Obviously, advertising on your social networking website would prove to be advantageous.

Social networking helps to build up personal or professional set of relationships between individuals. It represents both, a collection of ties between people, and the strengthening of those ties as well. A website, which utilizes the right social network software, can provide a tool to measure of the loyalty that builds up by the continued presence of the users, and, at the same time, assists in determining how the information flows within the groups, building up and fostering the growing trust within.

There is good number of advantages in having your own social networking website. It has a great amount of value in internet marketing. It is also true that internet marketing could also be established without such a network, by getting involved in MLM with friends and relatives, purchasing email addresses and sending off flyer advertisements regarding your products, and many more. The marketing options become restricted than what it would be without a social networking website.

For one, it is much easier to put together a large email address list by owning a social networking website. For such a website, you need to plan and have a marketing strategy, and with the deployment of the right social network software, much could be achieved.

In purchasing email lists, you need to remember, that the vast majority of the people in that email list is not interested in what business you have, no matter what it is. Most of your marketing email to the list would be considered as spamming, since there is no interest what-so-ever in what you have to offer. Even if you had tangible goods to offer for people to buy, there would not be any significant success in marketing your products, if you are restricted to email marketing using purchased email address listings.

So how would you benefit from having your own Private Social Network?
Here's how:

  • Build up your brand.
  • Increase customer loyalty.
  • Expand your customer base virally.
  • Increase Traffic to your online content.
  • Improve Communities.
  • Up-sell Products & Services.
  • Increase Market Differentiation.
  • Boost Revenue.
  • Reduce customer service costs.
  • Retain customers.
If you are in a competitive business, where you need the attention of people, having your own social networking website is the only solution for you to build up customer loyalty and stand out more prominently in the marketplace. For such a website, you would need the right social networking software to provide you with the tools. As long as you can draw users on your website, more and more communities would develop, bringing in the customer loyalty that is so very much important for any business.  

About the Author :
Ron McNeil promotes social network software to start your own MySpace clone and run your own community software site powered by WebScribble software located at
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