Women have made tremendous contributions to society at every level; consider Joan of Arc, Golda Meier, Indira Gandi, Condalezza Rice -
In writing this article my attention is to open the eyes of small business and no way patronise female mangement or give offence. In some domains this is still a sensitive and sometimes taboo topic!
As a father of 3 grown up young women I am proud to see them have the opportunities that were not available to them 25 years ago and be recognised for the talented individuals they are.
Traditionally male dominated bastions have resisted change to include women in male dominated domains. Thankfully there is a changing of the guard with society understanding that in an egalitarian world there is no place for these behaviours and conduct!
It is still true that getting through the glass ceiling is difficult however the glass is much thinner or so I have been told. Forward thinking corporates are showing the business world the way ahead.
In my time in corporate life I had the opprotunity to work with many talented female individuals.
I found them to be excellent managers and unlike their male collegues did not display the territorial behaviours so indicative of male management.
Small business ignores to their detriment overlooking female management and this is blatant discrimination in its ugliest form.
Some reasons why are women overlooked. Women are often overlooked because of ignorance, intolerance, discrimination, fear, negative thinking, insecurity, the old school tie syndrome, myths and legends and on it goes.
What women can bring to your business. Women have the ability to bring a great deal to your business; hard-work, talent, lack of territory insecurity, flexibility, and usually greater understanding and empathy.
Today's employees are looking for kindness in the workplace. It is true that many employees have as their only support network their work colleagues. How much more important then are these skills.
It is true that some female managers become overbearing but my experience is that this less frequent than men.
Breaking through the glass is not difficult, it simply is a choice. You business may be breaking the law and missing out on a large pool of talent. Put aside your old ways of thinking and get hiring!
Philip Lye is Director of Biz Momentum Pty Ltd (www.biz-momentum.com) and provides professional management services for
Philip holds qualifications in Accounting, Leadership, Human Resource Management, Industrial Relations and is a qualified accountant.