This report from WTTC and the Sustainable Tourism Global Center (STGC), in partnership with the Ministry of Tourism of Saudi Arabia and supported by Oxford Economics, analyses the environmental footprint of Travel & Tourism.
It provides the data crucial to steering the sector towards its sustainable goals.

Report details
The report provides estimates on the following environmental indicators:
- Greenhouse gas emissions (total GHG emissions, GHG emissions intensity, and share of overall emissions)
- Energy use (total energy use, energy intensity, and share of energy use by different types of sources)
- Water use (total water use and share of water use by water stress categories)
- Air pollutant emissions (emission of various air pollutants, emissions intensity, and share of overall air pollution)
- Material extraction (total materials extraction by types of materials, and share of overall materials extraction)
These indicators are analysed across 185 economies, 18 regions (including global average), and 4 income levels. The years covered by the report include 2010, 2019, 2020, and 2021.
Access the full report here