What Could Hotels with Smaller Marketing Budgets Do To Have the Biggest Impact?
By Max Starkov
Monday, 10th June 2024

Recently Revfine asked their Digital Marketing Panel of Experts the question: 'For hotels with a smaller budget, what specific marketing strategies could you suggest that would have the biggest impact?' ie, move the needle the furthest, but with the least amount of investment?.

Here is my take:

In 2023 the OTAs spent on marketing $12 billion. Many hoteliers feel defeated by this marketing might and give up on their own direct channel marketing.

“We cannot outspend the OTAs, why even try?” But if you do a simple math, you will see that the OTAs spend on marketing approximately $250 per month per hotel available on their platform. This is it!

Now, the question is, can even a small hotel spend $250/month to increase its Internet presence and steer people to book direct? Of course! Independents - even smaller properties - need to spend on marketing at least 4% of their room revenue.

Hoteliers know their destination, location and product far better than the OTAs do.

Where do you start when you are a hotel with smaller budget?

1. Fix your website! Is it mobile-first? Does it download for less than 2.5 seconds? Is the textual, visual and promotional content fresh, unique and truly representing your property? Does the website SEO: on-page, back links and technical - fully optimized?

2. Take advantage of all the freebies out there: free Google Business Profile, free Google Hotel Ads, free business directories, CVB listings, Chamber of Commerce listings, etc.

3. Launch Google Ads (GA) campaign for your branded keyword terms to capture all friends and family referrals, repeat guests, etc. the goal is to “own” 100% SOV (share of voice) i.e. if there are 1000 searches for your property’s brand name, you should budget enough your GA listing to be served 100% of the time. You will be surprised how inexpensive these search campaigns are! BTW, the OTAs are already bidding on your hotel’s official name!

4. Invest in Content Marketing- it is not free, but it is the least expensive from all digital marketing initiatives. Content Marketing engages and entices the travel consumer in the Dreaming and Planning Phases and creates ready-to-book customers for the Booking Phase of the digital customer journey.

Content Marketing and all of its formats: website content, SEO, social media, hotel and travel blogs, PR, influencer marketing, etc. - allows smart hotel marketers to engage leisure travelers, family travelers, seniors, couples, LGTB, unmanaged business travelers, leisure group organizers, social event and wedding planners, etc.

B2B Content Marketing allow hotels to reach corporate travel managers, corporate group planners, conference and convention organizers, company decision makers, etc.

Max Starkov
Hospitality & Online Travel Tech Consultant & Strategist

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