Tip: Make sure the way you speak cannot be replicated by a machine.
After having had lots of morning conversations with my new-found friend, GPT, you can imagine my delight when I got to mingle with real humans at an arts event the other evening in Singapore.
First, I had to adjust myself to a human setting and actually do small talk, which is an art I’ve never quite mastered.
See, the thing with my new-found friend, GPT, is it’s really easy to interact with him. You ask, or instruct, depending on your mood, and he replies almost instantly with very polite, almost prosaic, always plausible answers – which makes it impossible for you to ever get mad at him.
Plus, he uses words like “however”, “ultimately”, “having said that”, “nevertheless” or “on the other hand” a lot, which means he’s covered all sides of the equation, and thus he comes across very balanced, saying it all but yet not really standing for anything.
For example, this morning, I “interviewed” ChatGPT as though it was the CEO of one of the largest publicly listed travel empires in the world and I posed the question, “What’s the silver lining you’re most excited about in 2023 as far as travel is concerned?” (See related article on Silver Linings Playbook of Travel in 2023, answered by humans – I dare you to tell the difference)
Read the full story here