Live Chat – How Using a Small Widget Can Lead to Big Profit
By Laura Badiu
Wednesday, 26th December 2018

Direct messaging through live chat is one of those concepts that we’re very familiar with, since we have thoroughly explored its features and benefits in order to develop our own tool.

Our complete messaging solution, TrustYou Guest Messaging, enables a live chat widget, that is easily integrated on any hotel website or wifi page. In an effort to help hoteliers deliver the best possible customer support experience, as well as maximize their profits, our Guest Messaging solution now incorporates a new basic plan: Messaging Basic.

Through the segmentation of our messaging solution, hoteliers can now choose the tools that they want to implement and leverage. Messaging Basic is represented by our live chat service, that can be integrated as a stand-alone feature. So how exactly does the TrustYou live chat work and how it can lead to profit?

First of all, live chat is known to be an effective customer service tool and a popular real-time communication mean. When integrated on a hotel website, live chat allows travelers to connect instantly with the hotel staff and ask any inquiries that they might have regarding the hotel accommodations or their upcoming trip. Immediacy is highly valued in this modern, fast-paced era, and live chat enables an effective communication strategy between businesses and consumers.

Given the seamless integration on a hotel website, live chat increases the chances of getting direct bookings. In many cases, besides from the information that can be found on the brand website, travelers might have additional questions, concerns, or requests and being able to connect with a member of the hotel staff, on the spot, means that they get all the desired information. This decreases the chances of browsing other websites and increases the direct booking opportunities. Naturally, any direct booking saves money that would otherwise be spent on third party commissions, and therefore, hoteliers can increase their overall profits.

Apart from direct bookings, there’s a more indirect way of making profit based on live chat and that is by improving the hotel’s reputation. Live chat is a great way of encouraging and collecting guest feedback, which is valuable for multiple reasons. By having personal conversations with guests, even before they check-in, hoteliers can get insights into what their expectations are and adjust the future guest stay accordingly, leading towards better satisfaction rates. In the same way, if the live chat QR code is displayed on the hotel premises, guests are encouraged to use this communication mean during their stay and keep in touch with the hotel staff in regards of any requests or issues that they might have.

Same as with other direct messaging apps, live chat enables hotel guests to communicate in a fast and highly efficient way. Hoteliers are also given the chance to fix any possible issues on the spot and avoid situations in which they might go unsolved and turn into negative post-stay reviews.

Live chat does not require a complex or expensive strategy, nor does it imply an extensive training for the hotel staff. It’s a rather small piece of a much bigger puzzle, but one that can pay off in unexpected and extremely beneficial ways. Having a live chat feature on a hotel website means that travelers have all the reasons to stay on that page and end up making a booking on it.

Also, going the extra mile and providing travelers with an extra communication channel, one that they are familiar with and that enables real-time communication, leaves a positive impression before and during the guest journey. It goes to show that hoteliers are genuinely interested in delivering an excellent customer support experience and listening to what their guests have to say, at any given time.

Messaging Basic comes with an extremely easy implementation, that is done by simply copying the given code on the hotel website. The effort and investment that go in the TrustYou live chat solution are minimum, but the pay off can be substantial. We are not only talking about finances that result after the increase of direct bookings, but also about the improved reputation that a hotel can benefit from in the long run.

If you want to get more information a about TrustYou Messaging Basics, make sure to check out this insightful video!

If you are already enjoying our guest feedback platform and want to also start using TrustYou Messaging Basic, make sure to contact us and we’ll give you all the necessary details.

In case you are just discovering our feedback solutions, you can try Messaging Basic for 14 days, with a free trial. No credit card needed, no obligations.

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