We All Are Now Cobblers - Improvising A 'Shoe' Which People Will Buy.
By Ragsdale Hendrie
Thursday, 12th February 2009
Responding to market dynamics and volatility, we are reinventing ourselves and our businesses and we will never be the same nor will our customers. 

Talk about trickle down. 

Yes, people will still travel, require lodgings, dining, recreation and consumer goods, but no longer at the price tier or volume we knew and loved.  What the market bestowed on one has dripped to another, white table cloth to casual dining, suites to standards, weekend getaways to a mere overnight, designer getups to tee shirts, a resort round of golf to the public links, and so on…  Let's not bemoan the obvious, rather get to the task ahead – change the model, survive and steadily gain momentum and market share. 

There is a new word out there now – improvisation.  We have been very comfortable with how we do business.  That has changed.  We have strangulated our organizations with policies, procedures and don'ts.  That must change.  We thought we knew our Customer.  We do not.  Welcome to topsy-turvy. 

So, you have three choices:  stay petrified and immobile, maintain the status quo, or begin to cobble a path forward.  We are not talking mending or patching or even composing something hastily.  Improvisation is a thoughtful, ready   response to the unexpected; if you will, make the lemonade out of the lemon you are handed (and, they are dropping off the lemon flatbed in droves).

Management Consultants are great Cobblers.  They constantly "mine" leads, are very flexible and adaptable, networking like crazy.  They operate lean, pull in resources when required and always look to have business "on deck".  Consultants can "spin on a dime". They also know the first step of any assignment is "discovery", becoming familiar with the client, their organization, people, market and Customer. 

Perhaps, it is time to take your inventory, remove the Foster Grants and see your "State of the Business".  Rid yourselves of the sycophants (yes-men) and ask for a no-holds barred, honest review by your Managers and their people (no recriminations, either).  That is a starting point.  If you really want the full picture, bring in your Customers and Vendors, too.  Today's business landscape is presented, warts and all.

Next, you look to the road map.  We have created that nice business "box" - traditional, consistent, reliable, formidable.  Hammer down all the sides and encourage the thought outside that confounded box – look to innovation, creativity, new ideas, markets, processes, systems.  Your people have the insight; invite them to participate, for their well being is directly tied to your successful navigation of this often uncharted environment.

Now, you have some options to consider.  Usually, your Finance people dictate the road to travel.  Muffle them.  Some of the options may seem farfetched.  They may be at first glance but do not discard anything, for you cannot afford to be dismissive.  This is the time for bold action.  Do your research, place teams together, task their intelligence and vigor, make   them accountability and give ownership.

Hospitality is Retail, and our success is driven by the Customer Experience.  You may have some false starts.  Other ideas may skyrocket.  But, you are not standing still, unnerved, restrained and constricted. Rather, you are testing new avenues, introducing promotions, tapping different markets, becoming a player, again. Your business model will look very different tomorrow. 

The determinant of your success is your Customer, and you need to constantly have feedback as to your performance.  Something may look great on paper, you bring it to market with fanfare, and it is a bust.  Keep your Customers close at hand all during the evolution. Involve and retain the fans who love you! Avoid the quick fix mentality of slashing personnel, for in your business service is the differentiator.  This is not the time to cut advertising; on the contrary, keep your public informed and excited. 

Daily we read about truly innovative strategies presented by lodgings and restaurants - value deals and value meals.  The Consumer is watching and evaluating – everyone wants a deal. It is time to Monty Hall!  Our Reservation Books and systems are amok with changes and cancellations. Normal, long term planning has no validity.  We are in the moment. 

A Cobbler is an old trade, disappearing actually.  But, during tough times, their business soars (shoes are mended, rather than a new purchase made).  They ply their skill with the same materials, threads and polish used before, but the final product is a newer looking yet comfortable fit.

Pull your resources together, try some new designs and directions, engage your people.  Who knows, you may end up with a Cinderella slipper. 

The Author believes that Remarkable Hospitality is the portal to the extraordinary Guest Experience.  Seek solutions at:  www.hospitalityperformance.com
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