Is this the most unusual tourist attraction in the world?
Monday, 22nd August 2011
Source : Max Hitchins
Last week I saw, perhaps, the most unusual tourist attraction in the world.

As I mentioned, in my last email to you, I was headed for the Island of Cebu, in the Philippines, to give a marketing presentation at a M.I.C.E. Tourism Conference. 

It was an outstanding Conference and extremely well organised. Over the next few weeks, in these emails, I will be introducing you to some incredible people whom I met in Cebu. Corbin Ball - an Internet wizard from the USA; Gavin Gaskin - the extremely talented GM of the excitingly new Radisson Blu Hotel in Cebu; Leslie Choudhury - marketing expert from Singapore...to name just a few.

But enough of the future...let us look at the present.

In Cebu I saw a tourist attraction that really knocked my socks off. It was called the Dancing Inmates of Cebu. And yes - the inmates ARE prisoners.

But enough of trying to explain the Dancing Inmates. My Dad used to say "Son, showing is better than telling." Hence, I invite you to click the link below to see the video I shot in the Cebu Prison:


We will talk again next week.

Max Hitchins - The Hospitality Doctor - with Secrets, Tips, Tonics and Remedies to fill your Rooms, Restaurants and Bars max@hitchins.com.au International Telephone: + 61 419 53 63 73 (Within Australia): 0419 53 63 73 


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