Crowne Plaza joins forces with Corporate Angel Network Inc.
Saturday, 30th August 2003
Source : InterContinental Hotels Group
First hotel brand affiliation for non-profit organization

Crowne Plaza Hotels & Resorts today announced its affiliation with Corporate Angel Network, Inc. (CAN), a U.S.-based non-profit organization that has been providing air transportation since 1981 to cancer patients, bone marrow donors and bone marrow recipients who must travel to receive specialized medical treatment.

Crowne Plaza, the first hotel company to become affiliated with CAN, will provide room nights for the program's patients and their families, who may have extended treatment stays in cities far from home.

"The financial burdens of travel can be significant for people undergoing serious medical treatment," said Kevin Kowalski, vice president of brand management, Crowne Plaza Hotels & Resorts. "Crowne Plaza's association will make it easier for CAN patients to focus on what is truly important: getting well."

"We are thrilled about Crowne Plaza's involvement with CAN," said Bonnie LeVar, executive director, Corporate Angel Network. "Our patients will receive terrific accommodations when their treatments require them to stay overnight."

Corporate Angel Network eases both the cost and the physical and emotional stress of travel for cancer patients by arranging free flights to treatment centers using empty seats on corporate jets flying on routine business.

In addition to providing room nights to CAN patients, Crowne Plaza Hotels & Resorts also will drive awareness of Corporate Angel Network among consumers, corporate employees and franchisees via a variety of vehicles, including the Web site and the company Intranet. Crowne Plaza will hold a philanthropy event at the Atlanta corporate office, and all proceeds will be donated to CAN.

Crowne Plaza
Crowne Plaza Hotels & Resorts, "The Place To Meet," is the ideal upscale hotel choice for small- to medium-sized business meetings. Crowne Plaza provides personalized service and one point of contact for hassle-free, successful meetings. In addition to superior meetings offerings, Crowne Plaza hotels provide quality fitness facilities, exceptional room accommodations and upscale dining. With more than 190 hotels and 55,000 guest rooms in 49 countries, Crowne Plaza hotels are located in major urban centers, gateway cities and resort destinations worldwide. For reservations, call 1-800-2-CROWNE or go to www.crowneplaza.com. For meetings, call 1-800-MEETING.

Corporate Angel Network
Corporate Angel Network is the only charitable organization in the United States whose sole mission is to ease the emotional stress, physical discomfort and financial burden of travel for cancer patients by arranging free flights to treatment centers using the empty seats on corporate aircraft flying on routine business. CAN's 500 participating corporations have flown more than 17,000 cancer patients to treatment since the organization was founded in 1981.

Based in White Plains, NY, CAN occupies an office donated by Westchester County. More than 60 part-time volunteers and six paid staff work with patients, physicians, corporations, flight departments and leading treatment facilities to arrange approximately 160 flights a month.

The program is open to all cancer patients, bone marrow donors, and bone marrow recipients who are ambulatory and not in need of medical support while travelling. Eligibility is not based on financial need, and patients may travel as often as necessary.
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