The hotel industry is throwing its weight behind the Prime Minister's push for Australia to host soccer's World Cup in 2018.
Speaking on behalf of the industry, the AHA says if our bid is successful, then Australia's major accommodation businesses stand to directly benefit. "Australia hosting the soccer world cup is likely to equate to a multi-million dollar boost for major hotels," said the AHA's Manager – National Accommodation Division, Hamish Arthur.
"A major event of this scale would potentially see a huge spike in business for the duration of the tournament and either side of it as well. "The hotel industry endorses Prime Minister Rudd's stance and promises to support him and the new FederalGovernment – along with State and Territory governments – to ensure Australia kicks a goal in what will be an extremely tough contest."
The industry is confident that hosting an event of this magnitude would pose very few major problems. "Australia has a tremendous track record when it comes to hosting major international events," Mr Arthur said.
"Among many others, Australia has in recent times hosted the Olympics in Sydney, the Commonwealth Games and the Rugby World Cup and we have done so with great credibility and style. "If Australia gets the nod to stage soccer's World Cup, the hotel industry will once again rise to the challenge.
"Another plus is that tourists who will potentially visit Australia for the tournament will be broadly dispersed because matches will be played in many different parts of the nation – a positive for hotels in many different major cities.
"And from a wider tourism perspective, the exposure Australia would get, particularly at a time when we are attempting to convince those on middle-class incomes in India, China and the Asia-Pacific region in general to visit, would be enormous." |