Travelocity launches iphone app.
Monday, 18th February 2008
Source : Travelocity
One of first online travel agencies to design mobile solution for Apple products.

Travelocity today announced the availability of a new web application that allows iPhone and iPod touch users to easily manage their Travelocity itineraries by getting up-to-the-minute information on flight status, TSA security point wait times, local weather, maps, traffic and airport driving directions via Safari browser.

The application is available immediately to iPhone and iPod touch users via Safari browser at http://iphone.travelocity.com or via Apple's web apps site at www.apple.com/webapps.

Travelocity is the one of the first major online travel agencies to offer such innovative mobile features to travelers.

"Breakthrough Apple devices like the iPhone and iPod touch have raised consumers' expectations for quickly finding the information they need over the Internet while on-the-go," said Jeffrey Glueck, chief marketing officer of Travelocity.  "As we continue to focus on great travel experiences for our customers, we're proud to offer such an innovative and informative mobile travel solution for iPhone and iPod touch users."

The launch of this new application reiterates Travelocity's ongoing commitment to offering great travel experiences to customers – from start to finish. 

With the addition of the My Trip features, Travelocity for iPhone and iPod touch has also been selected as a featured "Staff Pick" at the Apple website..

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