Experts uncover the future consumer.
Saturday, 15th December 2007
Source : Web In Travel
Nearly 300 attendees gather to debate and discuss new consumer trends and behaviours.

Notions of what the future consumer will be, and how they will buy travel were shared amongst delegates and speakers at the recently concluded Web In Travel  (WIT) 2007, held in Singapore.

This year's WIT attracted 30 sponsors and partners, 45 speakers, and 280 delegates from 16 countries.

Some key points:

1. The future consumer is aware, confused, information-bloated, demanding, fickle, smart, empowered, connected, in control, curious, resourceful, savvy, impatient, discriminating, mobile, capricious, dogmatic.

2. The Me Generation is a trend. I want it and I want it now is the result of today's world of instant information, anytime, anywhere, anyhow.

3. Beware applying the one-trend-fits-all-cultures rule. Take a global trend and apply a local twist when going into different markets.  Compare the look and feel of Trip Advisor with Indian social networking travel site oktatabyebye.

4. Travel distribution will continue to be multi-channel because the consumer wants it all – they want to search on meta-search sites such as Skyscanner, Bezurk or Qunar; they want choice that online travel agencies like Zuji/Travelocity offer; they want to network with friends and read reviews on social networking sites; and the travel industry wants the multi-choice offered by the GDSes which power distribution.

5. While customers will still buy based on brands and price, increasingly friends will have a greater influence on buying behaviours. The power of blogging and reviews cannot be underestimated. Word of mouth has become instant and all-pervasive. 

Social networking rears its all-inclusive head.

6. Out of the ashes of a planet that is hotting up and struggling with climate change will arise "The Good Traveller". That's a traveller who will travel with purpose and a sense of doing good by making the right choices about what he buys, where he travels to and what he does while on his journeys.

Dates for Web in Travel (WIT) 2008 will be announced soon. Watch this space.

Vera Lye, RAVE
Mobile: 65 97467377
Alternate email: veralye@gmail.com

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