Website dedicated to female travel launched.
Wednesday, 26th September 2007
Source : Couple of Chicks e-Marketing & Kuikene Inc
Recognizing women travel differently than men and assume different roles when they travel - mother, wife, sister or friend, the site allows women to customize their own travel website and share experiences with other women.

This first social media website dedicated solely to women and travel, was officially launched last week at the annual Student Youth and Travel Association Conference.

According to women's travel expert, the GutsyTraveler.com, "it is estimated that women will spend $125 billion on travel within the next year. Last year alone, US women took 32 million trips with 80% of the travel decisions made by women."

Until the launch of Chicksaway.com, there were no online travel agencies, portal websites or social media sites that addressed what is important to women as a unique travelling consumer, and allowed women a voice to share travel experiences.

"Our vision is to provide a community for women to connect with other like minded women to discuss travel dreams, plan a vacation or business trip and share experiences," said Patricia Brusha Co-founder and Principal, Chicksaway.com. "Our intent is to ensure that women's voices and ideas are heard by the travel industry and to allow them to create a central resource for both dialogue and research - a women's version of Wikipedia for Travel and so much more."

Chicksaway.com uses a simple platform combining Blogs and Groups. Women can join for free and immediately create a travel blog, upload photos, videos and invite friends to view and comment. These blogs can be fully imported into other social media applications such as Facebook, so women can use Chicksaway.com as a main source to discuss and share their travel experiences.

Groups are created by women based on their own individual travel interests. Such diverse groups as single mom getaway weekends, honeymoons, Tuscany travel and dream trips are a few of the initial groups started. All travel oriented business's including hotels and destinations are encouraged to start their own groups. Both Blogs and groups are being indexed by the search engines and have the ability to be found through natural search.

The website provides a multidimensional online community and recognizes that women are unique when researching; planning and booking travel. Led by "Meme the Travel Chick," Chicksaway.com will become a trusted source for women planning travel as the content will be created by its users. Visit www.chicksaway.com for more information or to join the conversation.
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