ITB 2024 Special Reporting
UN Tourism welcomes 39 new affiliate members
Sunday, 23rd June 2024
Source : UN Tourism

UN Tourism announces the addition of 39 new entities from the private sector to its growing network of Affiliate Members.

The new members combine a wide range of profiles with diverse backgrounds and types of business: 3 Destination Management Organization (DMOs), 14 for-profit companies, 10 associations and NGOs, and 7 education and research institutes, and 5 others.

In terms of geographical distribution, the newly admitted members come from all the regions: 6 from Africa, 10 from the Americas, 3 from Asia and the Pacific, 13 from Europe, and 7 from the Middle.
“The integration of these new leading entities reflects our ongoing efforts to strengthen the Affiliate Membership and create a diverse and inclusive network capable of significantly contributing to the UN Tourism mission. We remain committed to enhancing Affiliate Members' satisfaction and fostering a sense of belonging through effective, mutually beneficial, win-win engagement in the Organization's key activities and projects,” said UN Tourism Director of the Affiliate Members and Public-Private Collaboration Department, Ion Vilcu.

Governments and National Tourism Administrations are increasingly partnering with UN Tourism to promote Affiliate Membership in their own countries to further invigorate their local tourism sectors and to have their leading entities connected within the largest network of its kind in tourism, which currently includes a total of 500 entities.

The 39 new Affiliate Members are:

  1. Altezza Travelling Limited    (United Republic of Tanzania)
  2. Amsa Hospitality Company (Saudi Arabia)
  3. Asociación de Hoteles y Turismo de la República Dominicana, Inc. - ASONAHORES – (Dominican Republic)
  4. Asociación del Deporte Español (Spain)
  5. Banco de Reservas de la República Dominicana (Dominican Republic)
  6. Banco Popular Dominicano, S.A. Banco Múltiple (Dominican Republic)
  7. Batterjee Medical College (Saudi Arabia)
  8. Booking.com B.V. (Netherlands)
  9. Cámara de Comercio de Medellín para Antioquia (Colombia)
  10. Conseil québécois des ressources humaines en tourisme-CQRHT (Canada)
  11. Decanter Enterprises (Zimbabwe)
  12. Ethiopian Tour Operators Association – ETOA (Ethiopia)
  13. Federation of Trade in Goods, Services and Tourism Rio de Janeiro – FECOMÉRCIO-RJ    (Brazil)
  14. Focus Brand, S.L. (Spain)
  15. Forward Data, S.L. (Spain)
  16. Hoteliers Association of Uzbekistan (Uzbekistan)
  17. IFP Qatar (Qatar)
  18. Institute of Gastronomy, Culture, Arts and Tourism – IGCAT (Spain)
  19. Instituto Nacional de Formación Técnico Profesional – INFOTEP (Dominican Republic)
  20. Instituto Superior de Derecho y Economía, S.A. (Spain)
  21. International Tour Management Institute, Inc. (United States of America)
  22. Ishraq Hospitality (United Arab Emirates)
  23. JLL Americas Inc. (United States of America)
  24. Jordan Hotels Association    (Jordan)
  25. Jordan Restaurant Association (Jordan)
  26. Klook Travel Technology Pte. Ltd. (Singapore)
  27. MADCUP, S.L. (Spain)
  28. Namibia University of Science and Technology    (Namibia)
  29. New Perspective Media FZ LLC (United Arab Emirates)
  30. Pakistan Association of Tour Operators - PATO (Pakistan)
  31. Palacio de Ferias, Congresos y Exposiciones de Marbella S.L. (Spain)
  32. PT Indonesia WISE    (Indonesia)
  33. Radisson Hospitality Belgium, B.V. (Belgium)
  34. Rijeka Tourist Board (Croatia)
  35. Scientific Research Institute for Tourism Development -TDI (Uzbekistan)
  36. Viristar LLC (United States of America)
  37. Zagreb School of Economics and Management    (Croatia)
  38. Zambia Institute for Tourism & Hospitality Studies (Zambia)
  39. Zambia Tourism Agency (Zambia)

Under the current admission procedure, the candidatures were submitted for consideration and approval of the Executive Council after being previously reviewed and endorsed by the Committee on Matters related to Affiliate Membership (CMAM), during its 5th meeting that took place on 6 June. These candidatures are the results of the implementation of the expansion strategy of the Affiliate Membership, aiming at improving the quality and geographical balance of the Affiliates network.

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