What initiatives is your hotel taking on ocean conservation?
Tuesday, 30th March 2021
Source : 4Hoteliers.com in partnership with Sciaena

We are working together with Sciaena (an ocean conservation NGO) to understand your experiences, your challenges, and the opportunities from ocean conservation initiatives in your business.

Sciaena is keen to understand and support the global tourism accommodation sector to help scale-up and accelerate the protection of our precious oceans.

Take the Survey here

Public concern for our oceans, climate change and protecting the natural world are at a record high. There are early signs that this is affecting the choices people are making when booking post-Covid holidays and accommodation, with preferences towards more sustainable companies.

We need your help! 

This survey is targeted at tourist accommodation providers of all sizes and types (hereafter, referred to as ‘properties’), that are specifically developing, implementing or scaling-up initiatives to protect our oceans.

There are many ways properties can be actively involved from reducing ocean plastics and supporting turtle conservation to sustainable seafood consumption. When we refer to initiatives, these could equally be called policies, projects, research, solutions or activities at your property.

Take the Survey here

So, if you are the property owner or a manager with responsibility for sustainability that includes ocean conservation initiatives, we need to hear from you!

The survey takes 12-15 minutes to complete. All responses will be confidential. Any questions about the survey, please contact: tourism.ocean.research2021@gmail.com

We will be sharing and raising awareness of the results in a published report, so if you would like to gain important sector insights, please fill in the contact box at the end.

Take the Survey here

Thank you for your time,
Catherine Wilson PhD MSc BSc
Research Project Director, Associate Sciaena

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