GBTA supports the EC’s proposal to introduce a Digital Green Certificate
Friday, 19th March 2021
Source : Global Business Travel Association (GBTA)

GBTA supports The European Commission’s proposal to introduce a common, inter-operable and mutually-recognised digital green certificate to kickstart a return to business travel.

The certificate will verify that a person has been vaccinated against COVID-19, has recovered from the virus, or has a negative test result, to enable the safe and swift restart of business travel in the EU.

“We are already witnessing some European countries opening up their borders with differing entry requirements and timelines. GBTA is calling for a European-wide solution to facilitate a consistent plan and avoid a fragmented approach across the 27 member countries. An EU-wide recognised certificate proposed by the European Commission will help to restart travel after a devastating year for the business travel industry, valued at $392 billion in Europe and $1.43 trillion globally in 2019. The need for a quick agreement and speedy, uniform implementation, based on data-driven decisions is crucial to the success of this proposal,” commented Catherine Logan, Regional VP Europe, GBTA.

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