ITB 2024 Special Reporting
China's Hainan Island travel & tourism development potential.
Thursday, 4th September 2014
Source : WTTC
Back in December 2009, China's State Council announced ambitious plans for Hainan – the largest special economic zone (sez) in China and its only tropical island province – to elevate it into a world-class international tourism destination by 2020.

4Hoteliers Image LibraryThis Special Research Report quantifies all aspects of Travel & Tourism demand in order to enable and inform policy and business decision-making.

The report shows that with 12.6% average annual growth in tourism expenditure (visitor exports) expected over the period 2011 to 2021 (or 16.4% in nominal terms), Hainan is predicted to outperform all the world's national economies by this measure, with visitor spending reaching Rmb110.8 billion (79.9%) by 2021.

This rapid growth would propel Hainan into first place in WTTC's League Table rankings – in terms of 10-year annual real growth.

The baseline forecasts for Hainan Province are extremely positive and there is every reason to believe that they will be achieved - as long as development is controlled.

The massive growth in investment coupled with an increased focus by the Hainan Government on Travel & Tourism as a strategic priority, will help to drive growing leisure and business travel, propelling Hainan onto the world stage as a leading international tourism destination.

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