ITB 2024 Special Reporting
OTAs are 'Lazy Business' says Industry Lawyer.
Friday, 20th June 2014
Source : Martin Kelly
Opinion: Tony Ryan, one of Asia-Pacific's leading hospitality industry lawyers, believes that Online Travel Agents are 'lazy business' for hotels, implying that accommodation operators should be working harder to drive higher-yielding direct bookings.
"There is a view that OTAs are lazy business and 'why should I pay Expedia 25%?'," he told delegates at a Bali hotel investment conference.
This attitude means many owners now choose go with international hotel brands that have global OTA agreements with commission rates of 7% to 8%.
"I think as an owner a big issue is what is the level of OTA business and it should be a Key Performance Indicator (for management).
"I do think it (OTA) is lazy business."

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