ITB 2024 Special Reporting
Australian travel web visits fall, questions on year ahead.
Sunday, 23rd February 2014
Source : Martin Kelly
Visits to Australian travel websites slumped across all major categories by up to -4% in the 4th quarter of 2013, according to Experian Hitwise, raising concerns that the traditionally buoyant January quarter may be also flat.

"Traditionally this period sees an increase," Experian Hitwise commented. "Perhaps it's time for the industry to review performance expectations for the start of 2014.
Accommodation fell -2% from the 3rd quarter, agencies were down -4%  while airlines fell -3%.
"If total visits continue to decline, it would be an important shift from the growth trend observed in recent years."
Experian Hitwise said the Accommodation and Destinations category remained the most popular with more than 200 million visits.
"While TripAdvisor remained in the top position, it was sites such as Agoda and Stayz that surged up the ranks.

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