The fork of the future, it monitors your eating habits....
Monday, 14th January 2013
Eating too fast, and not chewing long enough leads to poor digestion and poor weight control.

The HAPIfork is an electronic fork that monitors your eating habits. The HAPIfork gives you precise information about your eating schedule. The HAPIfork alerts you with the help of indicator lights when you are eating too fast.

4Hoteliers Image LibraryEvery time you bring food from your plate to your mouth with your fork, this action is called: a "fork serving".

The HAPIfork also measures:
  • How long it took to eat your meal.
  • The amount of "fork servings" taken per minute.
  • Intervals between "fork servings".
This information is then uploaded via USB to your Online Dashboard to track your progress.

The HAPIfork also comes with the HAPILABS app plus a coaching program to help you eat better and change your eating behavior.
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