A Warm and Fuzzy Feeling in your Room.
By Emmanuel Gardinier
Friday, 29th April 2005
There has been a trend lately in lots of high end Inn's and properties to have props in rooms such as Teddy bears on the beds, Rubber duckies in the bathroom or other fuzzy feeling generating gizmos.

I actually like it, but too often the basics are forgotten, and you end up in the situation where the nice rubber duck sits on a bathtub with moldy caulk, or the teddy bear on the bed smells like fresh kill.

What do your guest want?  A clean room or a stuffed animal?

Too many times I've been into rooms where the maintenance was not up to par, the housekeeping barely adequate, and too much time was spend on extras and gadgets. It's like putting lipstick on a pig, it just don't work.

Get real! Before even thinking about the extras, you should provide the highest possible standards for the basic commodities. Don't overlook the simplest details and know what you are selling.

In our industry everything boils down to the details, please take care of that flaky paint, that scratched furniture, that musty smell in your corridors, before anything else.

If you've covered your bases, then you can go toward the personal touch, but there lies a catch. That also should be perfect, staff should be trained, and the object should be in perfect condition.

When you've accomplished that, have fun being creative and give that warm fuzzy feeling

About the author:
Emmanuel Gardinier is an award-winning hotelier; he has spent the last 20 years managing properties in over 12 countries.

He is committed to provide the highest standard of services to his guests. He has specialized in upgrading properties, as well as streamlining operations and staff training. He has also been an active consultant and as given lectures and classes in many world-renowned hotel schools. Now settled in the USA, he is offering comprehensive on site work and is available to help owners and managers achieve their goals regardless of the size or style of property.

Emmanuel Gardinier
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