She went from five star to budget, from plush office to corner desk, yet Kathleen Tan is flying high in her career and loving it. She shares career advice with young hopefuls at WIT*e.
For Kathleen Tan, joining AirAsia five years ago was a bit of a culture shock. In her previous career with Warner Music, she had been used to flying business class and staying in fancy hotels complete with limousine pick-up service.

At AirAsia, she had to walk the talk or rather fly the talk and so it was low cost all the way.
Sharing her experiences at WIT*e – Inspiration & Mentoring on August 27, the head of commercial for the airline group that now employs 7,000 people versus the 700 when she first joined, made no bones about the fact that working at a low cost airline is hard work.
You have to work very hard, she said, and she recalled how she started work in an engineering room with no personal assistant.
But low cost airline does not mean low cost salaries, she said. While managing cost is a religion at AirAsia, "we cut costs where we need to, for example, negotiate hard with airports and other partners and then pass on savings to customers".
So the airline is tough on all costs except salaries. "It's a tough environment but our people are paid well and we work with very good people – multi-taskers, very resourcesful people.
"We pay higher than average wages for aircrew and pilots. People don't worry about working hard and doing difficult things when they are paid well," she said.
Working with the right leader also helps, of course. Tan and Tony Fernandes, AirAsia's chief, go back a long way and she called their relationship one of equals.
Sometimes she said you can't choose your bosses but you also have to learn to manage them. Depend on yourself, show your qualities, do the tasks that are given to you and think positively, she told the younger folks in the audience.
She said that often the competent are punished because you are usually given more work than the rest – but you should take that as an opportunity to learn and to grow faster.
"Don't complain, there is no shortcut," she said. A relationship with a boss works both ways. "You must manage upwards and you need to motivate your boss as well."
She prides herself on having a team of committed staff. "We hang out, play together, work hard together and enjoy a firm relationship."
She believes feedback is best given instantly. She does not wait for year end appraisals, preferring to do it right away, "Everyone makes mistakes. A good leader provides direction and feedback. Learn to make decisions very fast, don't be wishy washy."
She has a half-day meeting for her team every two weeks without fail – no excuses are allowed, everyone must take part, whether it be through video conferencing or Blackberry.
Asked how she finds the time to have such a personal relationship with a team that's rapidly growing as fast as the airline – it will fly 25 million passengers this year – and if it's difficult to strike a work-life balance, she says she believes she has a pretty balanced life. "I enjoy my work, I am passionate about it and I make the best of it."
She hopes to write a book one day about her experiences in different industries and launch it in China, where she is spearheading AirAsia's expansion and where she has grown a high tolerance for mao tai, the Chinese wine that's the choice of entertainment at dinner tables across the mainland.
As for who has influenced her the most, it's her mother – "a grounded, determined woman".
To the students in the room, she had this list of advice. Attitude comes first; don't take short cuts; do first, talk later; corporate life has a corporate decorum that you have to be mindful of; exude positivity and confidence and, lastly, it is very important not to give up.
Yeoh Siew Hoon, one of Asia's most respected travel editors and commentators, writes a regular column on news, trends and issues in the hospitality industry for Siew Hoon, who has covered the tourism industry in Asia/Pacific for the past 20 years, runs SHY Ventures Pte Ltd. Her other writings can be found at Get your weekly cuppa of news, gossip, humour and opinion at the cafe for travel insiders. 4Hoteliers is the "Official Daily News" of WIT09 -