Synergistic Energy eXchange (SEX) is the foundation of a sustainable life and workplace - energy is the lifeblood of our daily lives -without it we perish physically, mentally and emotionally.
With it we thrive - We become more productive, more resilient, more inspired and more potential can be released. We can achieve a whole lot more, for longer, under more pressure, when we are energised and are having Synergistic Energy eXchanges. – this is the foundation if a great team.
In each encounter we have with someone, we are really exchanging energies. In some interactions people deplete the other persons' energy and leaves them totally deflated. We call theses people Energy Vampires - Just there for themselves.
Nice! There is no intention of a synergistic Energy eXchange- it's all about them and their wants or needs.
In other interactions we add to the persons' energy levels, and leave that person "on top of the world". We've added significantly to their energetic resources. Very often when we have this kind of Synergistic Energy eXchange, we too, are left feeling a whole lot more energised than before. Suddenly synergy. Suddenly a whole lot more is possible. We become Alchemists with the ability to turn "lead into gold" - heavy energy into light.
In this latter encounter there has been a Synergistic Energy eXchange where both parties have gained, and leave with more energy than they originally arrived. Magic stuff can happen here. This creates engagement, inspiration, commitment and profits.
Synergy is defined as the working together of two or more things, people, or organizations, especially when the result is greater than the sum of their individual effects or capabilities. What benefits do your staff get from workplace synergy? And please don't be so redundant and say …their salary! Wake up! If you are going to keep your great talent – salary will not do it… they just may not be financial sluts!
Firstly, to be good at S.E.X. you need to be aware - Aware of your intentions - Aware of your internal state…Aware of your intended outcome…and aware of your impact upon the others. Without awareness you are completely blind.
Secondly, great S.E.X. comes from your heart and not from your head. It comes with selfless care, compassion and the intention to sincerely empower, engage and uplift the other person, or people, for the benefit of all involved and impacted.
Thirdly, to have incredible S.E.X. you need your own energy - Lots of it. Good clean, honest, positive, powerful, loving energy. Not dark, fearful, selfish energy. Many people are not aware enough of how their energy is perceived or experienced in the workplace. Try asking your staff… if you are brave enough.
Most "greeders" (Greedy Leaders) don't care how they are perceived – they only worry about satisfying the "few" to ensure their own enormous payouts and special privileges.
Do you really feel these kinds of leaders have any heart - If they do, it's well hidden, and we all lose out from that concealment.
So how could you turn your selfish manipulative motivating workplace into a caring and inspiring WOWplace? How can you, by becoming more aware of the impact, intention and results of interactions, have better S.E.X.? Would S.E.X. enhance your workplace and productivity. Most coaches use S.E.X. to get more from their clients each day.
In most companies we have a large group of people, working like slaves, to make a much smaller group of people, the few, wealthy. In essence that's the basic model of a typical business today – many working for the few. And in many cases, the many are struggling on the verge of personal insolvency; they are typically 2 -3 months (of no salary) away from financial disaster.
Yet they are exhorted to slave on to ensure financial success of "the company", which is really just a piece of paper, representing the few, anyway. Imagine, if instead of managing (manipulating) a common workplace we were truly humane enough to care enough about our "staff" and to turn it into a WOWplace.
What's a WOWplace? Glad you asked. A WOW place is a company where people converge with passion, commitment, collaboration, engagement, love and celebration to WOW. WOW is Working on WEALTH – for us ALL. Imagine that… a place where everybody's future wealth is considered as part of the ongoing focus and intention of the company. Imagine building wealth for the many, not just the few!
Imagine what kinds of S.E.X. we would have then! Do you think that engagement levels would be different? Do you think people would view what they do in a different manner? Would they be more or less inspired? What would happen to stress levels, energy levels, creativity and passion levels?
We could begin to use 4 letter words in the workplace… like help, care and love. Me could become WE. And slowly but surely we could begin to turn an old style workplace into a new style, truly caring, WOWplace.
Maybe I'm just a dreamer in believing we could truly open our hearts to care enough about those around us to do something like this. To turn their survival into thrival. It would take lots of education, coaching and care but we could achieve it. We could if we cared enough! Maybe that's it… we don't care ENOUGH.
The way I see it right now is, very few people are having great S.E.X. at work or at home. Some people we've all worked with, are retired and starving for love, food, warmth, care and significance. Some people are still working! - and starving for any love, decent food, any warmth, a little care and some significance. What a life we create and perpetuate.
Remember, with the way our life expectancy has shifted, from typically 65-70 years, to now anything from 85-95, survival is going become a big challenge for many people. Why not work together to begin to build a WOW place that supports everyone? Are we unconscious of the challenges facing most people? Are we that uncaring to turn away from them when we very easily could begin to support, guide and assist them in many ways.
I believe we are unconscious in many ways. Maybe we need to wake up and become conscious consumers? - Conscious of the quality of life of our staff. Conscious of the energetic exchanges we create, perpetrate and participate in each moment. Conscious of how truly fortunate we are to live in the top 10%-15% of "quality of life" on the planet.
Conscious of how simple it could be for us to make big impacts on other people's lives in a sustainable way.
Maybe we could become truly conscious pro-sumers. Imagine if when we purchased products and services, we specifically supported organisations that engendered WOWplaces. Where we knew that that company's people were empowered and carried forward with S.E.X. and a WOWplace foundation.
If we were proactive enough to send messages to "slave-driver" mentality company leaders that its time to bring our hearts out from behind the steel armour of the past, for who knows how long, military style leadership. It's time for us to step up and show who we really are. Spiritual beings having a human experience.
Are we selfish, shameful, hoarding, mean, chunks of wobbling flesh driven by fear, greed and avarice, or are we truly an extension of the most powerful force in the universe – inspired by love, caring, compassion and our inter-connectedness. You'll reveal who you believe you are by the way you show up. I see you…
The fact is we are all interconnected. We are all interdependent. And if you have one ounce of compassion and love, you'll begin to have more S.E.X. at work and at home. And if you are truly a visionary, inspired and inspiring, begin to turn your workplace into a WOWplace. Begin to become more aware. Step up to a new way of business and life.
Who knows what could happen next? One thing is for sure…You'll laugh, live and love, and be loved a whole lot more. After all, when you're lying on your death bed, would you want more money or more love? Your heart knows the answer. And Alchemy is the way. Risk it – be a courageous leader – lead from your heart a little more.
Become a WOW Alchemist in your office. Show us your love and share it, because Love and S.E.X. are like manure… It's no good unless you spread it all around! So lets all have some fun spreading it around. I dare you!
Tony Dovale
SA's #1 Energy Coach & Alchemist
Cell 083-447-6300