Leadership, Organization and Knowledge Management.
By Jerry Jerome Cedicci & Robin Trehan
Friday, 14th April 2006
A dynamic leadership is a necessity for sharing knowledge. Throughout the knowledge process, leaders concern themselves with the following questions: What needs to change and why? How do we build the necessary connection between people and ideas? How will we create a community of people who are ready and willing to act?

For leadership to find what, how and why answers, leadership needs to re-define the organization in a practical manner. It has to start with general definition of the product / service you plan to market. Then you define the organization needed to implement the product / service. You than establish strategy, set objectives, define organisation functions that must be performed to get the product / service to the market, and subdivide the organisation into its basic components.

A knowledge management environment within an organization

Once you have the organisation redefined, you go on to define its structure. You break divisions into departments, department into branches, branches into sections, and finally sections into individual work units. All through out the process knowledge management environment need to be fashioned, so that information/ideas flow freely and the top management goals, objectives go down the organization hierarchy and within the organization bloodstream.

The flow of information within the organization is of pivotal importance, as it is the fundamental on with knowledge management is based on. Every single employee need to work together because each group has got some information/knowledge the other does not have. Leaders have a view of what is happening in the outside world and employees have information about what is going on each day within the organization. Both sets of information are necessary to create a knowledge based organization.

Jerry Jerome Cedicci is one of the most renowned developer in mid west area with over150 million development going on under him as of today. He has over 30 years of experience in the field of real estate development and planning.

Robin C. Trehan is an industry consultant in the field of mergers and acquisitions. He is also a motivational speaker and knowledge management expert. He can be reached at robin@nationalhotelexchange.com
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