A poem: "The Haven".
By John R. Hendrie ~ Principal, Hospitality Performance
Thursday, 22nd December 2005
As of late, most midnights drear, while I ponder weak and weary.

Battered by the Bean Counters at Corporate high above,

RevPAR's up, costs down, Unions mum – still stress – The Chairman's barked his annual, "You do more with less!"

While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping, As if someone gently rapping, rapping at the Hotel door.

"Tis a Guest", I muttered, "oh, what another chore?"

Ah, distinctly I recall, why I joined this craft one Fall:

To act as Host, give bed and board to multitudes from coast to coast.

To guarantee the rooms are clean, the bath a glow, the Front Desk smiling, - all ducks in tow.

Eagerly I wished each morrow, daily challenged to avert the sorrow

Of one whisper or one complaint, attention, not ignore,

Never here, forevermore.

Hoteliers are a hearty lot, resplendent, when at their best,

Driven simply to provide the top in service to their Guest.

Times they change, and we must to, service prime, excuse taboo.

We frame the time our patrons seek, deliver naught, the sins bespeak,

And, all of us share the shame with quiver, when one of us does not deliver.

Landscape of pleasure, full senses, safe and secure

We seek to fulfill, no Guest should demur.

So unfetter your door, with welcomed answer they seek,

No matter, they bellow, "hey, Mac, got a leak".

To serve is our craft, our calling, our code,

And we offer this excellence in our stylish abode.

 We satisfy travelers, exceed status quo, service and product must bask in the glow.

So, excel in your mastery, Hospitality at the fore

your Haven's a showcase, now, forevermore!

(immense apologies to E.A. Poe, but it is shorter)

Even with the above whimsy, the author believes that Remarkable Hospitality is the portal to the Visitor Experience.  Contact him at:  www.hospitalityperformance.com 

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